Social experiment


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Those who have seen my threads know I am a good responder and doing well with treatment going from NW6 to NW3. I am fit, not short, and believe I look reasonably good in my neck of the woods with hair. I recently shaved all my hair so am not looking that good as the hair I gained look best when at #4 to #6. I am roughly at #1 at the moment so look bald/balding and older than I would at #4-#6 length.

I travel the same tube to-from office everyday and see a lot of women regularly (and they see me). As fun and because I did not have anything to do I decided to start a social experiment today. Note this is on London tube where everyone is more or less expressionless and silent all the time. Also most of these women would be in a relationship after arranged marriages and possibly kids wherein the majority of their partners would be unfit, etc. Basically I would be in better percentile when I grow my hair. At the moment I would be in slightly lesser percentile.


I smiled a faint little at an obese but decent woman. Nothing explicit but very subtle which cannot be taken in a wrong way like I'm trying to flirt or something...just a little natural smile you will do at a stranger in a better environment like to a shop attendant or in a small village. She smiled back with a much fuller smile. Then went her own way as she would have normally.

I did the same to a fit and better looking (hotter) girl who would generally consider her to be relatively hot in the area. She sneered after a few moments (not looking at me but looking down into her phone but it was meant for me).

I will continue this and hopefully as I improve on my looks and keep posting on this thread. If you have any ideas and want me to try some social experiments let me know and I would love to try them on the tube (but nothing gross or something which can disturb others or get me lynched LOL)


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Maybe try giving a girl the "come to bed eyes." Seriously! But only if you get a good initial response from a woman on your first couple of smiles.
Develop a bit of eye contact rapport with the woman first before you do it.


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Remember Bank account gets blocked in three wrong attempts..
Chances with women can be ended in two atempts..
If u had awesome experience in first time,even if you let it go,she will not mind it because she may think you were shy,but if you lose second chance,your chances are over.


Established Member
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Remember Bank account gets blocked in three wrong attempts..
Chances with women can be ended in two atempts..
If u had awesome experience in first time,even if you let it go,she will not mind it because she may think you were shy,but if you lose second chance,your chances are over.

I am not trying to get laid or hook up with anyone just doing a social experiment to find out if there is any difference in attitude of women towards men of varying attractiveness, and whether that is a function of the girl's appearance.

Hypothesis = Quality of response is proportional to B1/G1 where B1 is the boy's attractiveness and G1 is the girl's attractiveness

B1 is inversely proportional to the extent of male pattern baldness

Therefore, the quality of response is inversely proportional to the extent of male pattern baldness. Or in other words, bald guys are discriminated against by girls. Everyone knows this, it's just a scientific twist to the whole story.


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I am not trying to get laid or hook up with anyone just doing a social experiment to find out if there is any difference in attitude of women towards men of varying attractiveness, and whether that is a function of the girl's appearance.

Hypothesis = Quality of response is proportional to B1/G1 where B1 is the boy's attractiveness and G1 is the girl's attractiveness

B1 is inversely proportional to the extent of male pattern baldness

Therefore, the quality of response is inversely proportional to the extent of male pattern baldness. Or in other words, bald guys are discriminated against by girls. Everyone knows this, it's just a scientific twist to the whole story.

Yes..I also understand that,
But my point is acc to my experience if you don't proceed for conversation /talk, that girl will lose your first great impression and may think you are not a good person or may even feel creepy when she will be in front of you.

You will get very good impression from attractive women in first two chances.