Sodium Laureth Sulfate_Help!

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The last months I was using a Sampoo (Biocap) which does not contain Sodium Laureth Sulfate, for the days that I dont use Nizoral 2%.

After I heard about all these thickening sampoos, I changed my Biocap sampoo with Thicker, Fuller, Hair sampoo, which I like it cause it gives you a feeling of fullness and smells good. I also plan to buy Jasons Thin to Thick.

But, all these sampoos contain Sodium Laureth Sulfate or Sodium Myreth Sulfate etc. I read in this forum from some of you that you avoid sampoos with these ingredients. Whats wrong with them? Are they bad for the hair? Should I stay to my Non Sodium Laureth Sulfate Sampoo?
Is there any link or scientific article that discusses Sodium Laureth Sulfate regarding hair and hair loss?

I would like your opinion please.

cheers :roll:

Sir Guy of Frizzbourne

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I think shampoos without Sodium Laurel Sulfate are supposed to leave less residue. I'm not entirely sure about it though because I haven't read much into it. I doubt SLS would play a huge role in male pattern baldness.

Diamond Dave

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HairRebirth said:
But, all these sampoos contain Sodium Laureth Sulfate or Sodium Myreth Sulfate etc. I read in this forum from some of you that you avoid sampoos with these ingredients. Whats wrong with them? Are they bad for the hair? Should I stay to my Non Sodium Laureth Sulfate Sampoo?
Is there any link or scientific article that discusses Sodium Laureth Sulfate regarding hair and hair loss?

I would like your opinion please.

cheers :roll:

Help is here...Treat Sodium Laureth Sulfate and Sodium Laurel Sulfate shampoos like they are POISON.
I personally use no shampoo at all. Water only.

Sodium Laurel/Laureth Sulfate is used in industrial cleansers like garage floor cleaners because SLS creates the suds needed for cleaning.
SLS is put in shampoos because it is dirt cheap and creates suds.

Here is an excellent web site:

The Gardener

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SLS isn't worth worrying about. Millions, check that, billions of people all around the world use shampoos with it every day. I haven't heard of any "SLS disease clusters", so whatever crap is being said about it is obviously not worth worrying about as the reality has shown.

"SLS is an industrial cleanser"... shampoos are all different forms of detergents. So what if massive amounts of it are used to clean shop floors? It's a detergent, and detergents cut through grease. Small amounts of it in a shampoo, I would think, would be helpful in keeping your hair clean.

Ethanol, the alternative fuel for cars, is one of the two metabolic byproducts of consuming nutrasweet/aspartame. Do you hear the same irrational panic about that? Of course not. Because in both cases (Aspartame and SLS) the quantites used are well small enough for the body to metabolize and expel naturally.

And LASTLY, if SLS were the cause of male pattern baldness, then why do only males get male pattern baldness? Females use SLS shampoos too, in fact probably in far greater quantity then men do. Shouldn't they be suffering from recession and male pattern baldness too if this claim were true?


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The Gardener said:
Ethanol, the alternative fuel for cars, is one of the two metabolic byproducts of consuming nutrasweet/aspartame.

Actually, I believe it's methanol, not ethanol, which is a bit more of a concern.

The Gardener said:
And LASTLY, if SLS were the cause of male pattern baldness, then why do only males get male pattern baldness? Females use SLS shampoos too, in fact probably in far greater quantity then men do. Shouldn't they be suffering from recession and male pattern baldness too if this claim were true?

And tell those poor, innocent stumptailed macaques to stop shampooing their hair with all those nasty SLS-containing shampoos! They just don't know any better! :)



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Diamond Dave said:
Sodium Laurel/Laureth Sulfate is used in industrial cleansers like garage floor cleaners because SLS creates the suds needed for cleaning.
SLS is put in shampoos because it is dirt cheap and creates suds.

Actually, I don't think detergents per se create suds. I think you're confusing detergents with soaps.



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I am officially never worrying about SLS ever again. For a moment there I was worried.

Diamond Dave

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I didn't necessarily expect you to believe me especially when you recieve some posts from other members telling you what you want to hear.

Of course there isn't enough SLS in a shampoo bottle to do immediate harm. That's where it gets you and these other members that are being fooled.

You have been shampooing for years and years to create a cumulative effect that is now rearing it ugly head.

Good Luck.

The Gardener

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But, humans HAVE been using SLS for decades, and I am not seeing any "evil effects"?

If you are saying that SLS' evil effect is hairloss, then why is male pattern baldness a male phenomenon considering that females shampoo their hair just as often as men, and typically need to use MORE shampoo than men do to get their hair clean?

Diamond Dave

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The Gardener said:
But, humans HAVE been using SLS for decades, and I am not seeing any "evil effects"?
You can't be serious...You and me are living proof of SLS' damaging effect.

The Gardener said:
If you are saying that SLS' evil effect is hairloss, then why is male pattern baldness a male phenomenon considering that females shampoo their hair just as often as men, and typically need to use MORE shampoo than men do to get their hair clean?
You should have realized by now that women are genetically more resistant to hair loss than men.
You can also go anywhere and see older women starting at around 40 years old and up that have hair loss. Give me at least that much...


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Run for the hills! Don't run in the sun! Get some sun! Don't use tap water! Don't use bottled water! Don't go outside! Don't stay inside! Don't wear shoes! Don't go barefoot! You're killing yourselves!

Diamond Dave

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hairwegoagain said:
Run for the hills! Don't run in the sun! Get some sun! Don't use tap water! Don't use bottled water! Don't go outside! Don't stay inside! Don't wear shoes! Don't go barefoot! You're killing yourselves!

We mock what we don't understand. Weak minds.....

The Gardener

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Diamond Dave said:
[quote="The Gardener":8bff1]But, humans HAVE been using SLS for decades, and I am not seeing any "evil effects"?
You can't be serious...You and me are living proof of SLS' damaging effect.

The Gardener said:
If you are saying that SLS' evil effect is hairloss, then why is male pattern baldness a male phenomenon considering that females shampoo their hair just as often as men, and typically need to use MORE shampoo than men do to get their hair clean?
You should have realized by now that women are genetically more resistant to hair loss than men.
You can also go anywhere and see older women starting at around 40 years old and up that have hair loss. Give me at least that much...[/quote:8bff1]

No, I won't.

Also bear in mind the fact that male pattern baldness significantly pre-dates the usage of SLS in shampoos. Men going back to ancient recorded history suffered male pattern baldness. The Romans, for instance, were obsessed with it... just like we are.


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Diamond Dave said:
We mock what we don't understand. Weak minds.....

I understand this much: your discontinuation of SLS-based shampoos will not positively impact your hairloss situation one iota. In fact, your current regimen, in toto, will do nothing in terms of improving your male pattern baldness situation....i.e., you will continue to go bald. That, my friend, is the reality of the situation.

Diamond Dave

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hairwegoagain said:
Diamond Dave said:
We mock what we don't understand. Weak minds.....

I understand this much: your discontinuation of SLS-based shampoos will not positively impact your hairloss situation one iota. In fact, your current regimen, in toto, will do nothing in terms of improving your male pattern baldness situation....i.e., you will continue to go bald. That, my friend, is the reality of the situation.

All I can tell you HWGA is to keep watching Oprah in the upcoming months. No need to argue.


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Diamond Dave said:
All I can tell you HWGA is to keep watching Oprah in the upcoming months.

Thanks, but I believe I'll pass on that...
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