Some advice please, minoxidil


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I have had a slow receding hairline (type 2) for the last 3 or 4 years and its starting to get noticeable. I really want to (at the very least) stop it from getting worst! After reading many posts I'm a little confused as what I should do. I did try propecia and experienced some mild side effects but after a year it didn't seem to be doing anything at all so I stopped (didn’t like taking it as well). I'm now thinking about going back on Propecia with minoxidil and Nizoral. Is this my best option? Or what about Revivogen with spironolactone? It would be nice to regrow a little but most importantly stop it from getting worse. Also I'm currently in Japan and can't buy these products here so can anyone recommend me a safe economical site where I can order propecia etc. Sorry for asking the same old question and thanks in advance.


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Finasteride (propecia), minoxidil and Nizoral are the only treatments proven effectively to address hair loss. Even then, not everyone responds. But your chances of success are far greater if you stick with the proven treatments for at least a year before trying more experimental ones.


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mvpsoft said:
Finasteride (propecia), minoxidil and Nizoral are the only treatments proven effectively to address hair loss. Even then, not everyone responds. But your chances of success are far greater if you stick with the proven treatments for at least a year before trying more experimental ones.

I totally agree. If you're serious about fighting hair loss, then why not use the the tried and tested treatments? If they don't work, at least you can tell yourself that you tried the best products available at the time. But odds are, those products will help you to some degree.