Some Amazing Regrowth Shampoo With Cells Or Not?


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I searched for thread talking about this shampoo, but could not find it. Looks like you guys still didn't discover it. I didn't tried it, but may tried it as it looks fine. What do you think guys, it really works as mentioned?

I am talking about this shampoo stem cells derived from human bone marrow?

It would be good if can receive any feedback from people who tried it, if anybody tried it?


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I seriously doubt a shampoo is capable of transdermally delivering stem-cells and even if it could they would be detected as foreign by our immune system.


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I seriously doubt a shampoo is capable of transdermally delivering stem-cells and even if it could they would be detected as foreign by our immune system.

They claim it isn’t the case. I’m trying to find how to buy this thing. I’ve bought snake oils before, what’s one more.


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I think it is worth to try, but hardly get it to some countries. I think the best way to get it is to contact manufacturer directly.

Somewhere I saw you can expect some hair regrowth after 3 - 4 weeks.


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I think it is worth to try, but hardly get it to some countries. I think the best way to get it is to contact manufacturer directly.

Somewhere I saw you can expect some hair regrowth after 3 - 4 weeks.

Who cares. I just wanna know what it feels like bathing in aborted fetuses.


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Being a no stone unturned, I looked at this company. Seems it’s based in Singapore.
It is a series of hair products, new launch.
Shampoo, tonic, seaweed treatment, etc.
Shampoo is $49 if shipped within Singapore.
I emailed contact address to see if they ship to US & if he could post listing on US EBAY.