Some basic wig advice


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Hi guys,

I'm a fully bald 30 year old Indian man who currently sports a full shaved head. I've decided to go with a hairpiece from an online store (afte seeing a lot of cool examples), but I'm a total newbie. I have a few questions I'd like to ask before getting one in the UK

1. I play football, would a decent hair piece stay in place for a 90 min footy game?
2. I ride a motorbike, would I need to stop riding?
3. How much should I be looking to pay for a couple of wigs and how much maintenance am I looking at on a daily basis.?

I'm planning on just going from a fully bald man to a hair piece overnight and laugh off any stick I get, has anyone else done this - it'd be interesting to hear some other opinions.

Advice much appreciated.




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To answer your questions:
1/ No,you can play football no problem with a hair piece if attached correctly.Many people do and other sports besides,rugby,martial arts etc..
If someone pulled your hair they would have to take your skin with it,that is how strong the adhesion is!!The only problem would be a skin system as they get very hot and sweaty,totally uncomfortable for sports imho! Stick with all lace and you will be fine!
2/ No,why should you it ain't gonna blow off!!!LOL!!
3/ Depending on where you go and how much you are willing to spend you can get hiar systems very cheaply and the maintenance is also very cheap.
Have a look at BA hair apparent where he has an offer just now of buy one get one half price!! Great deal!!Also his forum has proably the best advice out there and is the busiest of all the hair forums.All your questions,doubts and worries will be answered theer and it is a great place to start.
Now i went from completely bald to having hair and believe it or not this was my biggest concern,but no one batted an eyelid at me!!and the ones that did thought i had eoither dyed my hair or got a new hairstyle!!!Strange but very true!!
Good luck! but my advice would be to do some research and you won't go far wrong!!Just stay well away from any of those big hair salons that are advertised!!!You will find plenty of references to them all over the internet on forums etc...


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use ba forum to learn some...but avoid buying from him...better try coolpiece...hair4all or hairdirect these are the best companies!


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private_ryan said:
use ba forum to learn some...but avoid buying from him...better try coolpiece...hair4all or hairdirect these are the best companies!

Why avoid buying from him please?


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why not? because sometime is sending shitty pieces especially from that korean...and sometimes it takes 5 months to have an order done...that's why!


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All right chill out; just trying to learn like everybody else.


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Cheers for the tips guys, this forum has given me hope :)

I've some people online mention completely shaving their head for a full piece and others talking about growing your own hair on the side, then getting a hair piece to match - what do you advise?

Once a hair piece is removed, how long does it take for you to get back to a smooth scalp with all the glue removed? I.e. is it just a case of a scrubbing brush in the shower or does it take a few days?



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if you have good hair on the back and sides the you should go with a partial...but if you have thin hair and those areas then you can try for a full piece...there are some pro and cons for every type of really need to learn this from a specialized forum ...try the hair direct forum or toplace forum...
regarding the is up to will get used doing this eventually so maybe in couple of months everything will be easy to make and achieve ...haircuts...bonding and so on...! some are spending 2 hours for removing and cleaning some half of really need to find what's best for you...which tape which product...


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What are you going to tell all of your workmates when you turn up one day a slick bald NW6, then turn up the next day a thick full-headed NW1?


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his mates will tell him that he is looking great!
I have seen a lot of reviews from your hate hair pieces but you are looking on this threads very often...I am wondering why?
if this bother you are you still here asking silly questions?


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Obviously if you are going to wear a piece it is better to start it before you are completely bald, so you can transition unnoticeably.

But if it is too late for that, my suggestion would be to pick a reasonably short style and start wearing after a longish holiday. You will be surprised at how many people will just think you have grown your hair out (these are the 95% of the population who are too busy thinking about themselves to worry about your hair). If your lifestyle permits it you could wear a ballcap for a month before the holiday, and you can start wearing glasses, contacts, a moustache or some other thing which destracts from your hair.

If you have been shiny slick bald for years then some people (the other 5%) may well pick up that you have done something - especially other bald guys. There is not much you can do about that. The polite ones will not call you out on it. If someone does ask you, tell them that you have had a restoration procedure done and then make it clear that it is not up for discussion. Just smile politely and turn away if they persist, and they will get the picture.


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I was thinking of telling them I've always had a full head of hair or I just woke up one day with all my hair back and just laugh off any comments :)

To be honest I'd like to think I'm strong enough to realize it's what I think that counts and not what other people may or may not like. If a hollywood actor can go on national TV and admit he's wearing a piece, I should be able to cope with day to day life.


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Yeah just go away cuebald; this section of this site is to help people who want to go down this route; you and several other members have absolutely no clue about hair replacement - you think it can simply be blown off in the wind don't you? Sick of haters on this forum.


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I pretty much agree with Noah. Here's my own experience - I am extremely bald, with only a narrow fringe of hair remaining. When I made the leap to a hair system, there were people who commented on my new hair style, that I had gotten grayer (old fart here), etc. A couple asked if I had shaved off my beard or mustache. One asked if I had a transplant. When I told him it was a piece, he refused to believe it because he "knew" (or thought he knew) that a hairpiece could never look so natural.

Of course there were a lot who knew right away that it was a rug, but no one made fun of me (at least, not to my face). For the most part, they were fascinated by it and asked a lot of questions. They wanted to know how it was attached, what it was made of, if I wear it when I sleep or shower, etc. But the one thing they ALL wanted to know was how it was possible for the hair to appear to be growing directly from my scalp.

You will also probably have some earnest people (usually women) try to bolster your self-esteem & tell you that you look perfectly okay without hair & that you don't need to wear a piece. You need to tell them that you know you don't NEED to, but that you WANT to.

It really didn't take long for people to get used to seeing me with hair. If your ego can't stand up to some good-natured kidding, then don't bother. The kidding will be over in a few days because in the overall scheme of things, your hair just isn't very important to other people.


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Anyone used hair4all?

I've made an appointment for late December when I'm back in the UK.

Searching for reviews and forums in google reveal a few pleased customers with no complaints, but generally not many reviews.

The prices they quoted me are around 250/300 gbp + vat per wig, double that for 2 wigs, a grand per year seems like a reasonable price to pay for hair.\



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I have heard good reviews about them...also I have changed some e-mail with Phil the owner and it looks a great guy! go and make an have nothing to lose...and keep us updated!


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ordered my piece :), still waiting for delivery after 3 months :-(, but hopefully it'll be worth it


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aetius said:
ordered my piece :), still waiting for delivery after 3 months :-(, but hopefully it'll be worth it
3 months?
Have you asked them why the wait?
Usually most companies do a turnaround of 6-8 weeks.


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Apparentlty with the new year and Easter there's been an excessive high demand - I'm not sure if this is true or not.

It's starting to look dodgy and I'm wondering if I've been scammed by hair4all, they've been slow to get back to me with new estimated delivery dates as well. I'll give it another week before looking into whether I've been a victim of fraud.


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aetius said:
Apparentlty with the new year and Easter there's been an excessive high demand - I'm not sure if this is true or not.

It's starting to look dodgy and I'm wondering if I've been scammed by hair4all, they've been slow to get back to me with new estimated delivery dates as well. I'll give it another week before looking into whether I've been a victim of fraud.

hes taking the @iss mate my last peice from a usa comapny took 6 weeks that came last wednesday should really take no longer then 8