Some genuine advice and some good news.


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First the good news. Its been a while since I've visited and that is because my hair is doing much, much better now. So to those guys who get depressed reading all the negativity on the boards, just remember that all the success stories no longer need to linger around which is why this place can seem like nothing but bad news.
Anyway, I've been on a stict daily regimen of:
1mg Propecia
GNC MegaMen
1500mg GNC MSM
Nizoral (Mon, Wed. and Fri.)
T/Gel (all other days)

It's a pretty simple regimen and I've since noticed that my haircount (lost in the shower) has dropped from 40-50 (and sometimes much more) to 5-10. I dont recommend hair counting, but this has been the only way for me to gauge my shed progress since I'm too lazy to take photos.
Anyway, my advice is this:
I've been on Propecia for just over 3 years now. About 5 or 6 months ago I started to notice my hair was much thinner than it was a year before that and I got worried. I thought the Propecia had run its course and was no longer effective. Thats when I came here.
What I didn't pay much attention to at the time was that I would occasionally skip a day of finasteride here and there. I would forget sometimes and once and a while skip two or three days in a row. Real bad.
Recently, I went away on vacation (happy with my hair looking so good) and I skipped a few days of my finasteride. Real bad. I noticed over the past few days after having been home that my haircount (lost in the shower) which has consistently been 5-10 for the past 3 or so months multiplied tenfold. A huge shed. It has since subsided, but I can only come to one conclusion:
Skipping a day or more of your finasteride regimen can bring along some bad results. My suggestion (as stated before):

Anyone else notice that when they forget their finasteride for a day or two that they experience increased temporary sheds?


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Ive been pretty religious, I have only skipped one day to see how sensitive I was to the drug. No sheds from that I believe.

Asides from that I just stopped shedding and things are looking up.

Questions: When did you first notice positive effects from the finasteride....month 6 or 7 or 8.....

Did you go through sheds?

Congrats on keeping things in perspective for 3+ years my friends, if only I shall be so lucky!

Tony M


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For 18 months I never missed a single dose.

For the last few months I have become wildly inconsistent. I no longer have this night stand next to where I sleep (furniture over haul, men at some point we have to get furniture that matches) and I used to keep my finasteride right next to it. I would down my finasteride right when I woke up. Now that it is gone I miss my dose all of the time dammit. I probably forget two or three times a week now. Nothing bad has happened yet, but I have zero doubt problems are around the corner if I keep this up.

I think I will keep my Finasteride next to where I put my wallet, cell phone and keys now that I think of it. I got to find a routine again.


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brasileirao said:
Questions: When did you first notice positive effects from the finasteride....month 6 or 7 or 8.....

Did you go through sheds?

My hairloss battle has been really easy actually. Started very early and I had amazing results within a few months (no more than 3). I shaved my head when I first started the finasteride so I never noticed sheds. Then I forgot about hairloss for almost 2 1/2 years. In fact, I didn't know anything about sheds for until I found this site. Still cant recall ever having one.... Until of course, I started skipped finasteride days.


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14 months on finasteride I have missed a few days here and there. But recently I took off 2 weeks and havent noticed anything. Im back on the finasteride and its been a week.