some hope


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i have been a diffuse thinner for about 6 years now (24 now) hair line is still the same but u can see the pattern a little more now. I have been using finasteride for about 9 months now...have experience side effects, but can still get woods when needed. I experienced two severe sheds, i'm just coming out of one now but not very much hair is falling out now. When i shed, i also get bad seborrhea and chunks of skin come off with patches of hair...i was loosing a lot of hair. Now i do not have seborrhea and i can see that i am not loosing much hair at all! I hope that what i lost will grow back in, and i understand that i will continue to have some follicles affected by dht. I just hope it will work over the long term period.
I also take multivitamins and vitamin B comlex. I use nizoral and t-gel (aceticylic acid 3%) and maintain a good diet along with proper exercise. i hope that i have given some sort of optimism to fellow sufferers.