Some new claims or claims part III



Hey all!!

Hope you´re sanity is still with you cuz mine is gone - or atleast you´ll say that once you hear about my new advice.

Scalp massage! A couple of minutes a couple of times / day and if you could do them with you head hanging over the bed/sofa/table whatever so it´s upside down - even better.

Why? because i figure the increased blodflow will up the amount of finasteride that reaches the scalp.

Second piece of advice - drop down from 3 x week nizoral to 2 or 1.

I´m only saying this because I care much for you all and want you to have great success in stopping male pattern baldness.

Take care!

Ps. I washed my hair twice the last ten days and a total of 30 - 40 hairs came of and about the same between the washing so yes I would say less then 100 hairs in 10 days, I´m seeing growth near my temples and my widows peak is getting smaller - no bullshit.

Ps2. I´m not using anything but minoxidil and finasteride and 1/week nizoral.


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nesta said:
Scalp massage! A couple of minutes a couple of times / day and if you could do them with you head hanging over the bed/sofa/table whatever so it´s upside down - even better.

Why? because i figure the increased blodflow will up the amount of finasteride that reaches the scalp.

and the amount of DHT that reaches the scalp?


Guest said:
nesta said:
Scalp massage! A couple of minutes a couple of times / day and if you could do them with you head hanging over the bed/sofa/table whatever so it´s upside down - even better.

Why? because i figure the increased blodflow will up the amount of finasteride that reaches the scalp.

and the amount of DHT that reaches the scalp?

I think it´s produced there.


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Cassin said:
Bis check your PM. :)

and the amount of DHT that reaches the scalp?

I think it´s produced there.

Not only in the scalp. DHT in the bloodstream seems to have an even higher impact on hair follicles than to locally produced DHT. Maybe thats the reason topical antiandrogens don't work very well.
Nesta, no offense but claims I-III are not very scientific. Scalp massage is certainly great for relaxing and so on but male pattern baldness is mainly about follicles not the skin itself. If you are so sure about it - hot-cold showers are also supposed to increase blood circulation.



Bismarck said:
Hot-cold showers are also supposed to increase blood circulation.


Then I´d miss out on the relaxing part of it.


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I must say I kind of agree with you on the whole Nizoral/wash your hair with shampoo once in a while thing. Since I've cut back on Nizoral to 2 times a week, sometimes once, things have gotten much better.


Fallout Boy

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WHAT? are you saying cut down on shampooing as often with any kind of shampoo ?? or just with nizoral? and if youre saying to cut back with the nizoral why?


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More nonsense claims without a shred of supporting evidence from the king of BS.


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As for myself, I've cut down on Nizoral.... its just too harsh on my hair and dries it out...


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I was told to use Nizoral 2% a max of twice a week by my derm. I also use tgel anit-flake which is pretty nice. I used some selsun blue stuff with aloe this week and i have to say my scalp feel healthy after showering....better than with any other shampoo. just my opinion though.


mvpsoft said:
More nonsense claims without a shred of supporting evidence from the king of BS.

Listen I´m not trying to a) get people off finasteride or minoxidil b) sell them something.

All I said was scalp massage and since it does improve cirkulation it can´t be bad - agreed?


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Nesta, if you have evidence for claims, present it. If you don't, quit making them sound as though you are presenting facts. There is enough nonsense on here lately without you adding to it.

Fallout Boy

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I thought Nizoral HELPED your hair! .. i would think that 3 times a week could only help you out.. my scalp / hair has been fine since i've been using 1% .. although its only been like 3 weeks but i am soon thinking about getting a perscription for nizoral. 2% .. even if its only a little better i think any improvement is worth it.. unless anyone has any reason why i shouldnt go on 2 %??

Fallout Boy

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oh and if nizoral is too harsh for your hair or dries it out , why not buy a conditioner or something that will hydrate your hair and and just eliminate this problem.. there are hundreds of conditioners out there im sure one will fix dry hair or whatever problem youre having with nizoral ..


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So any product that requires a prescription is bad for your hair? That's silly; if that were true, finasteride would be bad for your hair. You can use Nizoral twice a week or three times a week, either one is fine. I need to use it three times a week to control inflamation, and even then, I have to use a coal tar shampoo three times a week as well. It's just foolish to recommend that people cut down the use of Nizoral, with no supporting reasoning, explanation, or evidence. Similarly, it's silly to recommend that people hang their head down to aid circulation on the theory that it will somehow help with hair loss. DHT is in the blood stream too you know. Saying things like this is the way nonsense gets started on this forum, and neophytes sometimes pick it up as truth.