Some of you will be happy....


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Marihuana inhibits dihydrotestosterone binding to the androgen receptor
V Purohit, BS Ahluwahlia and RA Vigersky

Marihuana and its constitutents delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 9- THC) and cannabinol (CBN) were tested for their ability to interact with the androgen receptor in rat prostate cytosol. Smoked marihuana condensate, delta 9-THC, and CBN inhibit specific binding of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to the androgen receptor with a dissociatin constant of the inhibitors (Li) of 2.1-5.8 X 10(-7)M. in addition, other metabolites of delta 9-THC were also androgen antagonists. This data suggests that the anti-androgenic effects associated with marihuana use results, at least in part, from inhibition of androgen action at the receptor level.


yeah go for 2% and rub it in like your f*****g life depends on it, also take a couple of swigs from the bottle, if you can't get that I would try T/Gel............what?..............oh sh*t, sorry wrong thread

The Gardener

Senior Member
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grrrrble grrrrble grrrrble grrrrble grrrrble grrrrble grrrrble POP! vvvooooom slurp.

Pass the bong over here...


New Member
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Well, from experience this is false. I have been smoking pot for 2 years straight, just about ever day. When I began smoking I had no signs of hairloss. In the past 6 months I have diffused all over and my temples have receded. So, smoking marijuana doesnt help at all. I actually just gave it up a couple of weeks ago. Save your lungs

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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In all reality it probably only has a small impact on hairloss and is comparable to 2% minoxidil .


Established Member
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Kevin fretwell said:
In all reality it probably only has a small impact on hairloss and is comparable to 2% minoxidil .

What do you base this on?