Some Question plz Help


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i am 20 years old and have thining hair in my vertex and midle of sclap.
i use xandrox 5% and propecia.
i want to know about progestrone 2% lotion which i heard that it is good for hair loss and regrowth.
plz inform me what is it and the usage of it?
this lotion is a general drug for hair loss like minoxidil or it use for a specific condition.
also is safe to use it after using minoxidil?
also i have a question about spironolactone lotion.
i going to use it but i dont know which percentage to use? 3% or 4% or 5% (the lotion is dissolved in alchol)?
plz help me
thanks alot


nima555ir said:
i want to know about progestrone 2% lotion which i heard that it is good for hair loss and regrowth.

I have not heard of this!

nima555ir said:
also i have a question about spironolactone lotion.
i going to use it but i dont know which percentage to use? 3% or 4% or 5%
