Some questions on minoxidil


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Hi i am a 19 male, i been using minoxidil 3% for 2 months plus, as it still doesnt have any effect, is it recoomended that i switch to 5% now?

And if i do switchwill the minoxidil 5% works faster, as i have already been using minoxidil 3% for quite some time.

Or does the minoxidil 5% works from scratch ?


Switch now, it will give you a better chance of regrowth.

No you will not have to start from 'scratch' the benfits of 2 months of 3% minoxidil use will not be lost.

Also add Nizoral Shampoo into your plan, use 3 times a week.


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alrite thanks.. but will i experience experience more shedding if i do switch from 3% to 5%


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You might get a slight of amount of shedding from the switch but it won't be much. It doesn't matter anyway, because shedding only indicates that the hair follicles are responding to the treatment and will more then likely start the process to regrow thicker, healthier hair in the next hair cycle.


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tynanW said:
Switch now, it will give you a better chance of regrowth.

No you will not have to start from 'scratch' the benfits of 2 months of 3% minoxidil use will not be lost.

Also add Nizoral Shampoo into your plan, use 3 times a week.

Could you please post a nizoral shampoo photo here tynanW? Because i went to buy a nizoral shampoo, it was strange in color and box.


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former said:
erm aint nizoral shampoo for dandruff,... what has it got to do with hair loss

you have a lot of learning to do my friend. Read through the faq articles accessable from the main webpage.

The Gardener

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No, no bloating here.

Keep in mind that minoxidil does not systematically 'bloat' peoples faces at all. What this myth is referring to is the fact that for a very small and stasticially insignificant sampling of people, minoxidil gave them facial edema which resulted in facial water retention.

I wouldn't worry about it. Some people are allergic to peanuts, some people can't hack the aspertame in Nutrasweet-sweetened beverages, and some people get facial edema from minoxidil.

Not saying that it can't happen, but the odds are rare, and if it does happen you can always quit, and try something else. It is reversible... quit the minoxidil, and the face stops retaining water and you're back to cool. In keeping with my listed analogies, do you let the fear of potential peanut allergies keep you from eating peanuts, or the fear of aspertame keep you from having a Diet Coke?

It's the best weapon we have to get our hair back. To let a miniscule fear like this keep you from trying it is not logical.


Pall said:
Could you please post a nizoral shampoo photo here tynanW? Because i went to buy a nizoral shampoo, it was strange in color and box.

Nizoral comes in many different packages and designs depending on the country you buy it in.

Seems as you have already gone to the shop, seen the product but can't be bothered telling me what colour it was or what country you are in I am afraid I cannot help you.

Good Luck


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erm do nizoral need prescription ? whats the different between the ones sold in pharmancies and the prescripted ones ?? :roll:


former said:
erm do nizoral need prescription ? whats the different between the ones sold in pharmancies and the prescripted ones ?? :roll:

In some countries, yes, in others, no.

The ones in 'pharmancies' (sic) have to learn their lines, but the prescripted ones already know what to say.