Some stats on Impact of Hair Loss

Nashville Hairline

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I've never seen this sort of thing mentioned in a study before. Interesting enough:

Androgenetic alopecia is, for most men, an unwanted and stressful event that diminishes satisfaction with their body image. Only 8% of non-balding men stated that going bald would concern them, while 50% with mild hair loss and 75% with moderate to severe hair loss were concerned. They said it made them look older and less physically and sexually attractive than their non-balding peers.25

Nevertheless, most men deal with their hair loss without it impairing their psychosocial functioning. The most distressed balding men are those with more extensive hair loss, those who are younger, have an earlier onset, and deem their balding as progressive (often arising from observation of their father) and socially noticeable. Men who are romantically unattached are also more likely to be distressed by balding.25

Men outside these groups are more likely to seek treatment when they lack a strong, positive, body image. For such men any medical and surgical treatment should be complemented by measures to enhance self esteem.


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quite simply....a lot of men who aren't bald don't think it will bother them if it did happen....

when they start going bald, their mindset does change...I think going bald triggers some sort of mortality in a man or something....

despite their concern, most men are able to eventually realize its just hair and move on...then there are those whom cannot get over it and even use it as a convenient excuse for life's failures...

the typical view on this board towards baldness does not reflect the real world opinion, both from the perspective of bald people themselves and others....most bald people do not think that they are inherently inferior to those who have hair and most normal people know that baldness isn't a plague or disease, its just something that happens to men and although it isn't exactly something most men should look forward to, it isn't a death sentence and a sign of being inferior to others.

uncomfortable man

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That study makes sense to me. The worse your hair gets (the more you loose, the more obvious it becomes) chances are it will change the way you feel about yourself and how others perceive you. This in itself can be devastating, especially when you loose it young like I did.

Nashville Hairline

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I found the "Men who are romantically unattached are also more likely to be distressed by balding" pretty interesting and I dont think its been noted much on this forum. I know that I didn't really care too much as a rapidly thinning NW2 when I was in a relationship..I didn't like what I saw in the mirror but I had a gf so it didn't matter.. :shakehead:


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Yeah I think that a significant proportion of the guys on here are single.


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Makes sense. My hairloss now is worse than ever (crown, hair line, vertex thinning) and im beggining to realise im not accepting this as easilly as i originally thought i would when i was a lower norwood, but then again im only 24. I fear my hair might go the same way as Umans's did (norwood 5 at 26). However im not stressing as much as i first did, but i know thats because im in a healthy relationship. If i wasnt i would be feeling much worse about now.


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I've said this before and I'll say it again... Most girls don't care about hairloss beyond first impression. I mean if a bf or a husband loses his hair, they wouldn't leave him because he's going bald... When it comes to the first impression, a guy that can go beyond the first impression stage has a good chance of success with anyone.

Interestingly, I was out with some friends last night. One of the guys said he's tried propecia but had to quit because "something else wasn't working". His gf is a very sweet girl and she said her dad has been bald since his 20s and she doesn't care...

Statistically speaking at least half the female population have a bald/balding men in their lives, so why should they turn down someone based on his scalp hair???

I'll be the first to admit that I'm a bit obsesses with my hair, but I also know my gf doesn't care...


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I won't say that losing my hair didn't bother me, but since there are so many bald men on both sides of my family, I'd accepted the inevitible a long time ago before my hairloss even started. Only in high school when I was very young did I keep my hair long (and since it was the eighties, that also played a factor), but once I hit my twenties and started noticing a little thinning, I promptly went to the hottest beautician in the college town I was in and got the short look. I'd use gel to spike it and experimented with several different styles, but never grew it long again. When I see a guy with long hair and a huge bald spot, I can't understand it. If Dog The Bounty Hunter happens to read this, you're not kidding anybody. Your biker days are long behind you and you'd look just as tough with shorter hair.

Nashville Hairline

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ali777 said:
I'll be the first to admit that I'm a bit obsesses with my hair, but I also know my gf doesn't care...
yeah I have to remind myself that my then gf's previous boyfriend was a NW3v going on NW4 when she was with him but now it preys on my mind that maybe she split with me cos of my hairloss. of course she didn't but this is what single me thinks from time to time.

One thing that study doesn't say outright but at leats hints at is guys who were already insecure in themselves are the ones who are most damaged by hair loss..thats what I think is the difference between us guys on this forum and the millions of guys who just shave it and carry on with life as normal.


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thetodd said:
When I see a guy with long hair and a huge bald spot, I can't understand it.

A guy on my street has that look... He looks like a hippie that's been on a round the world race but never got to having a haircut even after he finished the race...

Or maybe he's just compensating for the lack of hair???


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ali777 said:
His gf is a very sweet girl and she said her dad has been bald since his 20s and she doesn't care...

LOL.. so what, why would she care what her DAD looks like anyway? :dunno:


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Archon said:
ali777 said:
His gf is a very sweet girl and she said her dad has been bald since his 20s and she doesn't care...

LOL.. so what, why would she care what her DAD looks like anyway? :dunno:

The point is, for girls like her bald is "normal". The male figure in their formative years was bald and they grow up thinking that's "normal".

We all grow up thinking we are normal and the others are the exception. The reality is actually the opposite, we are all exceptions to the norm.