some stragne goings on!!!!


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started 1mg finasteride 1st august 05. stopped 15th october as was getting scared i was developing gyno. i am however considering starting again as i cant bare this hairloss. a few things;

1) whilst on finasteride my head itched like hell (all over) and was having hair fall out all over my head. now after stopping my head doesnt itch and hair doesnt fall out from the sides or back.

2) i still have relatively watery seamen even after quiting

3) my beard growth is much stronger since quitting.

4) importantly last easter i had mumps and as a result was supposed to have a sperm test. i havent got around to it yet but do you think taking finasteride after having something effect my sperm is a good idea? considering i still have relatively watery seamen now? i am 20 btw.

so do you recomment i get back on propecia people? i would really appreciate some help. especially in regard to the itchy head and all over shedding whilst on propecia.



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I think the majority of side effects wear off in the 4-5 month mark so you weren't really using the stuff long enough to get over any side effects caused by the finasteride.

finasteride can reduce ejaculatory volume but I don't think it can have an adverse effect on the health of sperm even though it is carried in semen, at any rate you should still have it tested, and speak to your doctor when you do so that if there is a reason why you shouldn't take finasteride you'll know about it.

As for shedding from the whole of your head, a small number of people experience Telogen Effluvium, this usually occurs between week 11-16 of using finasteride, when did you start to notice the all-over shed?

Also, you say you quit because you were scared of gyno... reading this forum can do that to you ;) Theres plenty of things that can go wrong when upsetting hormonal balances but its very unlikely it'll happen to you. You've got to be in it to win it after all