Some Success?


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I´ve been on the Big 3 Since Mid June last year. I have a really crappy picture but the improvement is noticeable i hope.

I dont have any follow up pics on the Crown but that area is where the real change has happened. If you stood next to me you could basicly see right through the thin hair i had up there. Now you can barely see anything unless there is really bright light straight over my head. Even the quality of the hair has improved and some of my red color have returned from the rather bland color i had developed.

My hairdresser is amazed over the improvement in hair quality, so what do you guys think?


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Your hairline has improved by leaps and bounds congrats and good luck I hope you keep it up. I just started the not as big 2, (no finasteride) I hope I can achieve half of what you have in terms of regrowth.


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From that picture alone it looks a great result, congratulations! Can I ask a few questions?

1. How old are you?
2. How long did it take for finasteride to start working?

many thanks! I started on finasteride late-November 2013, you can see my thread here:



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Hi Conan o Brien :D

which type of minoxidil are you on ? brand / number of applications etc etc

funny! never heard that one before!

I split proscar in 4 pieces, dont know the brand i can check that, but my doctor prescribed the cheapest one, in the country i live in you need a prescription. i apply rogaine twice a day and i use the equivalent to nizoral about 3 times per week.

Excuse me for gramatical errors, i write on my Ipad at the moment and im not a native english speaker.
Im 25 , started taking it june last year , i took the first picture rgjt before i started and the shed was devastating, i lost sooooo much hair in july/ august but by november it started to look better


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cheers buddy. So you're on rogaine foam ?
you say you had a devastating shed. you mean : cosmetically devastating ? or you just lost more hair than usual in the shower ?
Your english is just fine. (I'm not a native speaker either).


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Hi Friendslayer, thanks for that. Sounds like a similar timeline for me - after the first 6 weeks my hair looked like absolute crap but in the past month or so it has gotten much, much better. I think, based on numerous other people's stories I have seen on this forum, that the younger you are the more quickly you respond to the meds.

Congratulations again, it's already a great result!


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I use the liquid rogaine, foam is not available in my country (yet), and importing it is just to much work for me (im lazy).
As for the shed there was literally a trail of red hair wherever i went. If i sat down for a cup of coffee for 30 min i had to clean the table because there was like 10-20 hairs on it. And that was without even touching my head. I read that shedding was a good sign so i stuck with it. Apparently every hair on my head was probably weakened by the MBP and i suppose i replaced all of them with stronger,more colorful ones. The hair had gone from a vibrant dark red hue to almost Orange due to the mbp but its back to my original color.
Have to remember that i have MAD genetics to fight aswell. Dad a NW6, his maternal grandfather was a NW7 by age 20. My mothers family isnt much better, but my maternal uncle still have a full head of hair at age 45 so he is the exception.

I have smaller hairs comming up along my hairline at the moment and i have been shedding a little more than usual for a couple of weeks, so i hope that my hair will look good this summer.