some thoughts about baldness


Experienced Member
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proscar-minoxidil-life commitment-each day to remember to use them-side effects-skin aging-scalp moisturing-libido infected-weight gaining-danger if touched by a woman-100$ each month-..... mother $#%$#@ dihydrotestosterone, %$@# you your %$#%^@ ...!!!


thylax said:
proscar-minoxidil-life commitment-each day to remember to use them

Like remembering to brush your teeth or wash or eat or lock the door or go to the toilet or drink water or feed the cat or feed the children, all very difficult things.

thylax said:
side effects-

skin aging any proof?

scalp moisturing incorrect

libido infected sexual side effects occur in a small percentage (2%)

weight gaining any proof?

danger if touched by a woman theoretical concern if broken pills are handled by pregnant women

100$ each month- proscar ~£6 a month ($11 USD)

Dr Lees minoxidil $16.65 a month

that's $27.65 a month but you can get both cheaper