something i have noticed from hairloss

Jonathan 89

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to make my point i need to tell you about myself:

as long as i can remember, i have never been happy with how i look, when i was very young, i was not happy with my teeth, saying that i have an overbite and demanding to get a retainer (which really, im fortunate to have the teeth that i have).

I have never been happy with my body and how its been built, i am quite slim and tall, i might actually have marfans syndrome because i have most of the characteristics of marfan (i have a concaved chest but no scolliosis thankfully, and im going to get a genetics testing done to see if i have an oversized aorta), which really other than my chest, doesnt bother me much at all because that didnt stop me from having a decent looking girl have a crush on me in highschool(which i didnt know about until it was too late).
I have been lifting weights for a total of a year and 2 months, and i have improved, despite having a concaved chest and looking like i have a gut when really i have strong abs, i look more solid and lean that i use to, my arms are thicker and i have chest muscles.

but again with not being happy with my appearance, i remember all though highschool i hated my class pictues, when i got them i would only take a glimpse and be unsatisfied with how i look, and would always aviod my picture when i looked through my yearbooks.

later during the summer after highschool was when i noticed i was receding, during this time was when i found this site and found out about the big 3, i have been verry self-conscious about my hair, being very frustrated with my hair wondering how i should comb my hair and if the big 3 will do its job.

later i would look back at my grad photo and grade 12 picture when i still had a good amount of hair at the front (which now i can see that i was just starting to lose hair then), i realised how good i looked and why i didnt even attempt to met girls and enjoy life more back then.

then it hit me.

if im looking at past photos wondering why i didnt enjoy life more then ,wont i do the same with present photos and do the same, realizing that there was nothing wrong with me then aswell?

ever since ive realised this ive been feeling a lot better about myself and how i look, ive been going out more and although i havent been really close with a lady, i have danced and grinded with a (sober) lady on a formal cabaret danced floor, thats much more than what ive done with a girl when i had lots of hair.

right now im a Norwood 2/2.5 and have been on the big 3 for at least 5 months, so far i havent noticed anything but if i can just keep the ammount of hair i have now i will be happy because i have finally accepted my appearance.

my hair line kinda looks like joey kerns hairline (actor in The Sasquatch Gang, and Super Troopers), a decent hairline but a lot of the hairs at the hairline and near are shorter. Personally, i think his hairstyle looks great despite having a receded hairline.

Well i hope this will help some of you to enjoy life while you still have time to live it!


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I think it's a problem all of us have, looking for things that can be improved upon but never on things that could be worse. Personally, I think it's evidence that we are not arrogant. I mean, when's the last time you said to yourself, "Darn, look at me. What a STUD!" ? Never.

Thanks for sharing your story :3


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monitoradiation said:
I mean, when's the last time you said to yourself, "Darn, look at me. What a STUD!" ? Never.


uncomfortable man

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Or maybe a little BDD.


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Hey, from 10 feet back from the mirror, with no light directly over head, I look like a perfect NW1 with no big poors on my face. It's when I get closer that I see my hair is thinner, and the NW1 is actually a shaddow from the NW2, and I got big poors and bumps everywhere. This morning I looked damn good. I don't know what is taking the red out of my face, but maybe it is the cardio. So far it is mostly staying away.


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ccs .. how frequently do you get the red face .. and have you been able to narrow down what triggers it


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Nervous flush? :blush: :$


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dude77 said:
ccs .. how frequently do you get the red face .. and have you been able to narrow down what triggers it

For months I had it about 80% of the time. Some mornings it would be light colored again. This last week, it has been skin colored every morning, then lightly red the rest of the day. I don't know what causes it. I don't know if something triggers it that same day, or if it takes weeks for the change in lifestyle to affect it. A month ago I stopped washing my face. And 2 weeks ago I started power walking. 5 days ago I starting drinking 2% milk instead of 1%. I always wear a hat outside, yet my forehead, which is well hidden in the hat, is just as red as my chin, though lately my neck is more red than my forehead, which may indicate the sun plays a part. There are other variables too. I look just fantastic when I first wake up, and then slight red sets in, and does not get moderate until later in the day, but has not been nearly as bad as months past. I'm tempted to wear makeup on my face, but I know it would be seen up front.


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monitoradiation said:
CCS said:
monitoradiation said:
I mean, when's the last time you said to yourself, "Darn, look at me. What a STUD!" ? Never.


I'm not sure I'm getting the... so-called drift here, CCS :3 hahaha..

I'm saying I do it every day. Sometimes I like my looks, sometimes I don't. But I definitely do look different at different times of day. Great abs in the morning, a bit more bloated later. Great face in the morning, redder later. Great hair after a hair cut, nappy 3 weeks later. Great muscle pump after a workout, under developed looking at other time. Super sex legs sometimes, but right now I got raser bumps which look bad on white skin. Great skin quality from 10 feet back, big poors from 2 feet away. Super confident at times, but then when I see the women I got to check the mirror to see if anything changed, before I can approach. My apartment must have 3 women for every guy, and I bet my breath stinks right now. Also not sure if the women in this room next to me like my stubble or think I look like a bum since I did not shave my neck.


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My Regimen
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CCS, you do realize that you probably have rosacea, don't you?