Something I haven't heard in a long time...


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I just realized this yesterday. As I was looking through old photos of when I was in H.S and hairloss was nowhere in my mind. Up until 5 years ago people used to say this too me all the time "Your single? How does such a good looking guy not have a girlfriend?" Then they procede to try to hook me up. I realized that does not happen anymore. So Sad. I can't believe something like dead protein can be so devastating. Any others have this happen to them. I think it makes hairloss much harder when you were very goodlooking as opposed to just average. I think it hits home harder...


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hair today gone tomorrow said:
your face has probably changed a lot since your high school years as well.
Nope. I am actually in better physical shape than back then too. Just the hair going down the drain. 30 yrs old BTW

hair today gone tomorrow

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i doubt it, everyone changes.

you can be in better physical shape but your face has changed.

im 24 and ive changed since mean your 30 and yoru face looks the same as it did when your were 17...yah ok.


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100% agree because if you are good looking ,you know that it is fading when you lose your hair

uncomfortable man

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Some people grow into their looks with age and some people grow out of it. I can relate to your situation, GSXR. When I had hair, people always told me that I looked young for my age (in a good way) and that I was very handsome. Well, now that I'm 33, NW5 I don't get that so much anymore (unless I'm wearing my beanie and clean shaven). I just think I look weird now because having a young, good looking face with a horseshoe on top is kinda perceived by most people as a contradiction in terms- a strange contrast that makes things worse aesthetically.
Don't worry about Hair Today. He gets really angry when anyone can admit that they are good looking and then forcefully suppresses them with the obligation to be modest. It happened in another thread with GHG. I don't think that there is anything wrong with being able to recognize your own attractiveness as long as your not fixated on it egotistically. When I had hair, I was never stuck up or anything like that but I could see how balding could be more devastating to someone who put all of their self-worth into their good looks.

hair today gone tomorrow

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uncomfortable man said:
Some people grow into their looks with age and some people grow out of it. I can relate to your situation, GSXR. When I had hair, people always told me that I looked young for my age (in a good way) and that I was very handsome. Well, now that I'm 33, NW5 I don't get that so much anymore (unless I'm wearing my beanie and clean shaven). I just think I look weird now because having a young, good looking face with a horseshoe on top is kinda perceived by most people as a contradiction in terms- a strange contrast that makes things worse aesthetically.
Don't worry about Hair Today. He gets really angry when anyone can admit that they are good looking and then forcefully suppresses them with the obligation to be modest. It happened in another thread with GHG. I don't think that there is anything wrong with being able to recognize your own attractiveness as long as your not fixated on it egotistically. When I had hair, I was never stuck up or anything like that but I could see how balding could be more devastating to someone who put all of their self-worth into their good looks.

ok if he and you are as good looking as you say you are lets see some pics of you from when you had full heads of hair...
O yah, im so angry... :jackit:


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I was never really in love with myself, but I did like looking at photographs of myself that other people took. Now I avoid the camera like a plague.


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I dont think anyones face would change that much by the time they were 30. If you were handsome at 17 you'll probably still be good looking at 30 (unless you gained like 100 lbs, but hair could make a big difference. :(
Like uncomfortable man I went from being a babyface to old looking when I lost my hair. And it definatley was negative to my appearance.


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Ian Curtis said:
now imagine a guy who starts losing at 18.
I was a NW3 at 21 but atleast I had no diffusion. Now I am a NW3 with mad widows peak and diffusion in the NW5 regions. So I know what it feels like. I just wasn't bothered by it until it got really bad around 25 and it then hurt my confidence.

hair today gone tomorrow

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s.a.f said:
I dont think anyones face would change that much by the time they were 30. If you were handsome at 17 you'll probably still be good looking at 30 (unless you gained like 100 lbs, but hair could make a big difference. :(
Like uncomfortable man I went from being a babyface to old looking when I lost my hair. And it definatley was negative to my appearance.

youd be surprised....especially with girls...used to be hot in highschool...not so much now, with very little or no weight gain.


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s.a.f said:
I dont think anyones face would change that much by the time they were 30. If you were handsome at 17 you'll probably still be good looking at 30 (unless you gained like 100 lbs, but hair could make a big difference. :(
Like uncomfortable man I went from being a babyface to old looking when I lost my hair. And it definatley was negative to my appearance.

Totally agree with saf, hair loss will add a good 10 yrs on your appearance.

BUT hair is not everything, I learned it from my own experience, the most important factor is how you carry yourself (physically AND emotionally), ladies love men with confidence (not being cocky) and having sense of humor.

Having nice hair of course is a great bonus at the end of the day.


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My face really hasn't changed since I was 18 : ( I'm not sure if that is good or bad.

I was thinking about it today and I wonder if dudes that were just born with thinner hair and then lose it when they're 22 really care as much as dudes that had sh*t loads of hair and then lost it at 22. I would imagine the answer is obvious. I guess the same goes for a good looking guy that becomes unattractive quickly due to hairloss.