Something I noticed in most guys with male pattern baldness...


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All my friends who have full heads of hair can't build up muscles as easily as those with male pattern baldness.. In addition, those with full heads of hair, get fat easily than those with male pattern baldness who can keep the athletic look for years, with no need to do any exercise and eating junk food.

In my case, I haven't do any exercise for the last 3 years (just started again last week) and still have muscles from 3 years ago. And my diet was full of fat and junk food. Of course I started to change this 1 week ago, because it's not healthy. But I know people, including some friends, who stopped doing exercise for a few months and they got FAT. And they have full heads of hair.

Of course, I could be wrong and I don't want to start a theory. But I have observed this for years, in a lot of people, friends, people in gym, relatives... and now I'm sharing my experience. And of course there are some bald, fat guys out there. But I have noticed this, with the majority of guys with male pattern baldness. Just a clarification, before someone makes a joke or troll around, about this topic. :wink:

Anyone else here noticed something like this? If yes, what do you think could be the reason?


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I certainly haven't noticed this. My two friends i work out with put on muscle much better than me, and they have full heads of hair!


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The correllation is probably due to balding men having good amounts of dht and probably very high amounts in some cases also.

I believe DHT has something to do with helping building muscles. It might just be plain testosterone though.

Either way, if you had a lot of testostrone that would help. And more testosterone would equal more dht right?

DHT is actually a good hormone besides the fact that it causes baldness and makes us very hairy in places we might not like.

The thing that confuses me is when guys have super thick beards but little hair on their arms, legs, or rest of the body.

How do you explain that?


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its not the DHT, its if you have the genes that cause your hair follicle receptors to act adversely to DHT

we all see the guy who is so freaking hair and has all his hair, and the same guy who is bald too

it all depends, plus i read a study once where guys with below normal testosterone usually suffer from male pattern baldness (myself)


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Phillip said:
The correllation is probably due to balding men having good amounts of dht and probably very high amounts in some cases also.

I believe DHT has something to do with helping building muscles. It might just be plain testosterone though.

Either way, if you had a lot of testostrone that would help. And more testosterone would equal more dht right?

DHT is actually a good hormone besides the fact that it causes baldness and makes us very hairy in places we might not like.

The thing that confuses me is when guys have super thick beards but little hair on their arms, legs, or rest of the body.

How do you explain that?

Dude you dont know what you are talking about. DHT has no interaction with muscle growth, and DHT levels are the same in balding men and men with full heads of hair. DHT acts as an anti-estrogen, but that wont help build muscle, perhaps look a bit more cut however.

If ANYTHING, its possible that people with sensitive androgen receptors in the scalp, may also have more sensitive receptors in their muscle and fat tissue.


Thinning said:
Phillip said:
The correllation is probably due to balding men having good amounts of dht and probably very high amounts in some cases also.

I believe DHT has something to do with helping building muscles. It might just be plain testosterone though.

Either way, if you had a lot of testostrone that would help. And more testosterone would equal more dht right?

DHT is actually a good hormone besides the fact that it causes baldness and makes us very hairy in places we might not like.

The thing that confuses me is when guys have super thick beards but little hair on their arms, legs, or rest of the body.

How do you explain that?

Dude you dont know what you are talking about. DHT has no interaction with muscle growth, and DHT levels are the same in balding men and men with full heads of hair. DHT acts as an anti-estrogen, but that wont help build muscle, perhaps look a bit more cut however.

If ANYTHING, its possible that people with sensitive androgen receptors in the scalp, may also have more sensitive receptors in their muscle and fat tissue.

I totally agree with thinning, believe it or not. saying that balding guys have higher levels of dht is a fundamental misunderstanding of the balding process.


I've noticed that male pattern baldness guys don't tailgate.


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How many more of these crazy theories are we going to have to hear? :roll:
Bald men have higher sex drives...
Bald men have more body hair....
Bald men are smarter...

People are people some are small some tall, some fat some thin, some clever some stupid, some straight some gay. We are all individuals, its pointless trying to look for patterns in their characteristics.


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s.a.f said:
How many more of these crazy theories are we going to have to hear? :roll:
Bald men have higher sex drives...
Bald men have more body hair....
Bald men are smarter...

People are people some are small some tall, some fat some thin, some clever some stupid, some straight some gay. We are all individuals, its pointless trying to look for patterns in their characteristics.

I_Hate_DHT said:
Of course, I could be wrong and I don't want to start a theory. But I have observed this for years, in a lot of people, friends, people in gym, relatives... and now I'm sharing my experience. And of course there are some bald, fat guys out there. But I have noticed this, with the majority of guys with male pattern baldness. Just a clarification, before someone makes a joke or troll around, about this topic. :wink:

Anyone else here noticed something like this? If yes, what do you think could be the reason?

Why do people never read threads? Maybe Finasteride makes them act that way? :lol:


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Thinning said:
Phillip said:
The correllation is probably due to balding men having good amounts of dht and probably very high amounts in some cases also.

I believe DHT has something to do with helping building muscles. It might just be plain testosterone though.

Either way, if you had a lot of testostrone that would help. And more testosterone would equal more dht right?

DHT is actually a good hormone besides the fact that it causes baldness and makes us very hairy in places we might not like.

The thing that confuses me is when guys have super thick beards but little hair on their arms, legs, or rest of the body.

How do you explain that?

Dude you dont know what you are talking about. DHT has no interaction with muscle growth, and DHT levels are the same in balding men and men with full heads of hair. DHT acts as an anti-estrogen, but that wont help build muscle, perhaps look a bit more cut however.

If ANYTHING, its possible that people with sensitive androgen receptors in the scalp, may also have more sensitive receptors in their muscle and fat tissue.

Umm, as they said 5 years ago "roasted!!"

apparently........ you don't know what you are talking about.

Testosterone and dht are both male hormones. Why do you think that men begin to develop breasts when you mess with dht??? Why you think it causes sexual side effects. (does finasteride ring a bell?)

Men naturally have lower body fat contents and more muscle than women because of these hormones.

I never said DHT "is the building block of muscle". Muscle is obviously composed of protein just as fat is composed of lipids.

Read the article and you will understand.

JayMan said:
Thinning said:
Phillip said:
The correllation is probably due to balding men having good amounts of dht and probably very high amounts in some cases also.

I believe DHT has something to do with helping building muscles. It might just be plain testosterone though.

Either way, if you had a lot of testostrone that would help. And more testosterone would equal more dht right?

DHT is actually a good hormone besides the fact that it causes baldness and makes us very hairy in places we might not like.

The thing that confuses me is when guys have super thick beards but little hair on their arms, legs, or rest of the body.

How do you explain that?

Dude you dont know what you are talking about. DHT has no interaction with muscle growth, and DHT levels are the same in balding men and men with full heads of hair. DHT acts as an anti-estrogen, but that wont help build muscle, perhaps look a bit more cut however.

If ANYTHING, its possible that people with sensitive androgen receptors in the scalp, may also have more sensitive receptors in their muscle and fat tissue.

I totally agree with thinning, believe it or not. saying that balding guys have higher levels of dht is a fundamental misunderstanding of the balding process.

I actually understand the process quite well.

testosterone is converted to dht by way of the 5AR enzyme (of which their are two types).

But it does depend ultimately on the sensitivity of androgen receptors in the hair follicle (if it has any at all).

As i said before balding men do tend to have higher levels of dht.

Apparently you were wrong also
Read under hormone levels correlated with androgenetic alopecia.

After having made you both out to look like asses.......My point stands that dht would help increase muscle mass and balding men tend to have more of it.

do some research next time and atleast provide evidence for what you state.


i never meant to imply that they don't in some cases. but you were implying that they go bald because they have higher levels of dht- i believe they go bald because their androgen receptors are more genetically sensitive to the androgens.

Your conclusion about DHT helping increase muscle mass is just stupid.


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i guess the disclaimer 'i believe' was well used then jayman. I believe that some men go bald because of too much dht and some go bald because of too many androgen receptors, and some (those who are nw7 by 17) go bald because they have both. this of course is disregarding the other components of male pattern baldness such as the immune response.

that said, as DHT is a more potent version of testosterone, it could well be that those men who go bald due to more dht could develop muscle more easily than some. i know i personally put on muscle very easily.

either way, these threads really dont help anyone keep their hair.


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powersam said:
either way, these threads really dont help anyone keep their hair.

and who really cares about that? 80% of threads here don't help at all to keep hair.

Did all the threads you opened helped people keep their hair?

Guys, chill out.. people will continue opening threads to ask what they want, if they feel they want to get one question answered.

You don't really help doing useless responses or shouting sh*t...

Some people here look like veteran dictators. If you don't like it, don't enter the forum, plain and simple. I and others will continue opening threads like this one, you don't like it? you don't need to visit this forum.

Chill out.


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JayMan said:
i never meant to imply that they don't in some cases. but you were implying that they go bald because they have higher levels of dht- i believe they go bald because their androgen receptors are more genetically sensitive to the androgens.

Your conclusion about DHT helping increase muscle mass is just stupid.

I think most of your statements are stupid.

After reading most of your posts, I have come to this conclusion. You never contribute with anything, you just shout sh*t all the time and try to take people down and make them look like ridicolous.

And when you have nothing to say, you just troll around one topic, making stupid jokes. You have too much free time in your hands, to press the reply button and take your time to post useless messages and disrupt the flow of discussion.

I think Moderators should start to ban people who disrupt the flow of a discussion over and over and over and over...

I think you waste too much time here:

Joined: 30 Jun 2006
Posts: 1670 :shock:

I bet more than 80% of those messages are shitty posts. :)


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you sir are an idiot

joined july 2003 - 1170 posts. read into that what you will.

fark on a side note how drunk am i. had avery importajt post t p put up and i t didnt happen. till next time....


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I_Hate_DHT said:
either way, these threads really dont help anyone keep their hair.

and who really cares about that?.

i am pretty sure that everyone here cares about keeping their hair.


I_Hate_DHT said:
JayMan said:
i never meant to imply that they don't in some cases. but you were implying that they go bald because they have higher levels of dht- i believe they go bald because their androgen receptors are more genetically sensitive to the androgens.

Your conclusion about DHT helping increase muscle mass is just stupid.

I think most of your statements are stupid.

After reading most of your posts, I have come to this conclusion. You never contribute with anything, you just shout $#iT all the time and try to take people down and make them look like ridicolous.

And when you have nothing to say, you just troll around one topic, making stupid jokes. You have too much free time in your hands, to press the reply button and take your time to post useless messages and disrupt the flow of discussion.

I think Moderators should start to ban people who disrupt the flow of a discussion over and over and over and over...

I think you waste too much time here:

Joined: 30 Jun 2006
Posts: 1670 :shock:

I bet more than 80% of those messages are shitty posts. :)

Very sorry, Mr Pharaoh, but you'd be wrong. I spend more time than anyone in the tell your story forum helping newbies out and answering questions than basically anyone on here.