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Always be naysayers

Nashville Hairline

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What a babe. Nice score by Austin Powers there! I dont think it is staged but look at her fixing her hair about 3 seconds after he starts talking..she's into him already. I dont think he needed much of his seduction guru shtick to get those digits.

But still, whatever it is he has it.


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So she did'nt wonder what the guy hovering around filming with a camcorder was doing? And it must've been noticible because the focus was right on and quite steady them so it was'nt done with a camera in a bag or anything like that.
I have to say that every girl I've ever known would of told this shaggy weirdo with his dull as f*** chat up to f*** off in less than 10 seconds.
Listen to the conversation no way that would have worked even Brad Pitt would've struggled with that lame chat up technique.

Ian Curtis

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I have to go to vacation in eatern europe, they say the hottest chicks live there :woot:


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It's hard to tell if it's staged or not. If it isn't, I think the fact that she's Russian, and hence a lot more open to being spoken to at random on the street than most English girls, might have helped here. Try that on a thousand girls, and it might just work once.

I can't help but feel that the guy's a complete arsehole, though. How does he think she'd feel if she knew she was being filmed just to give him a good rating on some PUA website? Is he planning to take a hidden voice recorder on the date to showcase how he transitions from the plate de jour onto a discussion about her sex life? I just think he's a complete tool.

Bald Dave

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I have to agree with saf that this is staged. I was watching a program on Living tv last night. It was a program called dating in the dark when 3 men and 3 women date in the dark and they get to know each other as a person rather than judging by their looks. 3 of the girls and 2 of the guys where attractive people but the other guy was ugly as sin. He had big sticking out ears, a big nose, weird eyes (one was looking one way the other was looking the other way), he was short and he was basically not as attractive as the other 5. Anyway each of them got to see them in the light and the women who was a dating the ugly was an absolute stunner! She was 1000s better then her date! Anyway when she saw him she didn't know what to say. She looked ashamed but she agreed to date him and he really thought he had pulled a stunner when in fact she only did it for the cameras and to not come across as shallow. I very much doubt she would have gone for him if it wasn't being filmed :shakehead:

uncomfortable man

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Yeah, this proves nothing.


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defo fake....

the whole conversation just doesn't flow naturally for me....