Sooooooo Jealous!!!



Ok, I think I am having issues. I am totally obsessing with other women's hair! Actresses (the shampoo commercials are the absolute WORST), friends, colleagues, whoever...I find myself looking at them in complete and total envy at their full head of hair. If I see a woman with long curly brown hair I always think to myself 'that's what my hair SHOULD look like.'

I am suffering from severe hair envy directed towards the huge majority of the female population NOT suffering from the devestating effects of hairloss! It's like when you first get a new car and you suddenly notice all of the people who drive the same car. Or when you first get braces and instantly notice everyone who has straight teeth.

How come it is so difficult to just get over it???


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Hey guest-gal:

I know how you feel, in fact I am sure that we ALL do. Honestly, I notice EVERY woman's hair that I come into contact with. When I see someone with thinning hair, I just want to hug her and talk to her about it, but I can't. And now, when I come into contact with some gal with killer great hair, instead of feeling jealous, I think "wow, that one has gorgeous hair." I'll tell them too, if it is appropriate.

In the end, we all have our personal demons and stuff to deal with. Don't let anyone fool you behind their gorgeousness, perfect house and garden or whatever. And remember, it is not the result of cancer and chemo.



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I know how hard it is, especially for you females.. Just like athleticmom said, we all understand how you feel so dont feel alone..

Everytime I see blokes with their hair gelled, and how thick it is, I think back to the time I used to have such thick hair, how I could just stroke it and one strand would feel so full. Even if it is a woman with beautiful straight hair, I just think of how happy people are and how they dont even have the thoughts I do about hair...

I would give anything to have that time back, but the fact of the matter is we have got this dreaded disease and there is nothing we can do about it apart from try and delay the process/reverse it.

Just hang in there, there will be a cure someday, and I pray that day is soon for all of us, I know how hard everyday is, its like it'll never end..


Hi AthleticMom,

I think your post was wonderfully positive! It was very nice to read. :)

To Guest:

I too deal with these feelings. Every single time I go to the mall (or even school), I hardly see any gal my age with hair problems. I would constantly point out to my boyfriend "Thats what my hair used to look like!" or "Wow her hair is so healthy". It got to the point of him just finally looking at me and saying "You're obsessed aren't you!" It really hit me then that yes, I guess I am obsessive. Especially during bad-hair days!

I think part of the process of pulling through this is to try to not obsess, to try to not count exactly how many hairs were lost during the day, etc. and to just try and eliminate as much stress in our lives as we can. I know it is easier said than done!



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Well, for some reason this post registered me as a guest...I started the thread, I promise! Sorry 'bout the confusion. Thanks for the replies. The whole obsessed with other people's hair is driving me (and my boyfriend) nutty and I truly do need to get over it. *sigh* Sometimes I just feel like screaming "IT'S NOT FAIR!!!" Other times, I can tell myself that it's just hair, but geez I miss my thick curly locks.


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We all miss it, but we will get it back sometime soon!!! (I hope) there are people researching never forget that.. I know it seems like forever though..


Hey Stinger,

Thanks for posting nice comments in the women's forum :) And not something lame like not wanting to go in public with a bald lady (sheesh, those men sometimes are just insensitive jerks, hairloss is hairloss, devastating to both sexes. Maybe from now on if I ever see one of them on the street I should whisper really loudly to my girlfriends "Eew, look at that schmutz, he looks like he's on his way to being a Norwood 4! I'd NEVER be seen with HIM!"). Just kidding :)

I too hope there are going to be better treatments in the near future. It is very hard waiting and waiting and not hearing any breakthrough developments, especially for women.

Have a nice weekend,



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Hey Heralopecia, its ok... Im glad im of some help :)

Hehe, not all balding men are bad, I would date a balding women, I do actually believe my fiancee has some slight diffuse thinning but not noticeable thinning. But who cares, I guess when your balding, as I said to you before, you realise that its not looks that matter.. I always used to be an idiot and fall for the looks, but now that im losing my hair I realise this is the cruel world we live in, people are judged by their looks more than their insides.. I do however believe looks do matter to a certain extent, im sure thats understandable but I dont mean looks as in looks wise, I mean as in the person doesnt dress like a scruff :p

Just my two pence really..


Hey Stinger,

True about the looks vs. inside. Looks do fade but personality doesn't. But you are also true about there having to be some sort of attraction.

Anyway whats funny to me (in regards to the guys saying no public contact with bald women) is that many women who have alopecia totalis or universalis (or even alopecia areata, or advanced Androgenetic Alopecia) don't go out in public bald, they have wigs!

There is an MSN group called Wig Support. Many women of all different ages and backgrounds post on there pictures of themselves in wigs, sometimes completely different styles and colors. I bet 99% of you here would be amazed at how great and natural they look. And I'm sure 99% of the guys wouldn't even be ABLE to tell they were wearing wigs!

Women seem to be able to cover their hair loss up better in a cosmetic sense than men, therefore there is a general presumption that women suffer less from hairloss than males.

First line on the second paragraph:
Did you know that over 20 million women in the United States are suffering from some type of hair loss? About 40% of them are also under forty years old.

Thats a substantial amound of ladies, and that's only in the US alone, I don't have the statistics for worldwide.

Anyway, thanks, your 2 pence is appreciated at this forum!



I don't post too often, but I think that most of us here suffer from some form of "Hair Envy." I used to have a fistful of thick black hair, but now it's more like little black wisps of hair, less than a diameter of a dime. My husband swears up and down that my hair doesn't look any different from the day we met, which is beginning to drive me absolutely insane because it's been confirmed by a derm that I have Telogen Effluvium.

Sorry, didn't mean to rant. But yes, I have become extremely obsesssed with examining the head of every woman that I come across, not so much out of jealousy, more like "Gee, I wish I had that hair." But I am going to remain hopeful that all of us will have progress with hair regrowth.