sorry..part 2


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anyone buy proscar from here :'s really cheap there. but it's generic. generic propecia comes at 200 dollars a year wouldn't have to cut it up. what do you guys think about generic stuff? do you trust it? or should i stick with the merck brand?


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You should stay with the Merck brand.

How can we be shure they're not sending sugar pills or something else.

I prefer to cut my proscar pills than taking the risk of buying pills that you don't know how rigourously they have been made.

Unless you can get generic from your local drugstore, i would stay with Merck.


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i doubt it's a sugar pill due to seeing the packaging. but you never know. i know people here have ordered fincar..probably from the site i mentioned.has anyone seen results? thanks in advance


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Yes, maybe someone on the forum might have been only on Fincar since the beginning of it's regimen and got results.

Or someone switched from Merck brand to generic long enough to say his situation did not regress

That would be interesting to know.


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With Proscar so cheap, probably cheaper than generic, why take the risk? The 1 second to cut it a second too long?


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Rage said:
With Proscar so cheap, probably cheaper than generic, why take the risk? The 1 second to cut it a second too long?

cheaper than generic? where can you find it cheap?.. the proscar i mean.


I would never use anything other than Merk proscar. If proscar or propecia works for you, then why mess around with generic stuff just for the sake of saving a few $?


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I agree with Zimmy, I like the peace of mind I get from taking full-blown Merck Propecia, personally.


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In Canada I buy 12 proscar pills for 20$ US and I cut them in 6 so it costs me around 30 cents a day to use the Merck brand.

There are lots of canadian pharmacy (drug store) on-line.

As an example: ... ar&ID=2154

There you can get proscar Merck brand 30 Pills for 58$ US if you cut them in four like most do, it costs 50 cents a day.

Not bad at all :wink:

I know drug companies put a lot of presure on the US government to make it illegal to buy perscription drug in canada because it's cheaper and the big and poor drug companies don't wanna loose money.

But for now it's okay to do so :p


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I like the consistency in dosage that I get from real Propecia though as well, none of this ~1.25mg crap daily. I know I'm taking 1mg daily @ roughly the same time every day, never less, never more.


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I agree deaner that I too would like the consistency, but I like saving money much more than that. As long as you get roughly the same amount I do not think it will make that big of a deal. Propecia is just so freaking expensive, but cutting the proscar is a pain in the butt for sure.


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I like the consistency too, but when you know that finasteride starts to be effective for hair loss at 0.2mg a day.

Read this: ... peciafda2/

We can see that .2mg a day is almost as effective than 1mg a day.

The study say:
"The data supplied to the FDA on "efficacy parameters'', (NDA 20-788, table compared .2 and 1.0 mg dosages in hair count, investigator assessment, and global photographic assessment but did not present data for other dosages above .02 mg. However the sample of participants (100) was small and the differences between the .2 and 1.0 dosages in the first two cases were not apparent and, in the photographic assessment, which showed a larger mean improvement for 1 mg, the values overlapped statistically at the 95% confidence level."

So I don't think that 1mg +/-0.2mg will change somenthing as long your close to 1mg.

0.2mg might be risky, but .8mg to 1.25mg you are in the safe zone

I sarted with 1.25 mg for a couple of month but I had side effects. So I dropped to 0.8 mg since it's easier to cut it in 6 than in 5 and side effects are gone too.


The real sh*t Merck Proscar only costs around 75$ for 30 pills from most pharmacies like Costco, Walgreens, etc. Cut it up into 4th's and the total amount you spend a year on fina will be around $200. Cheap, simple, and legit.


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why is it that i always get a lecture instead of an answer for my questions? :roll:


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Deaner said:
I agree with Zimmy, I like the peace of mind I get from taking full-blown Merck Propecia, personally.

I'm with you. I definitely understand what you mean about peace of mind.
At the same time, I feel kinda stupid for spending the extra money, but if this doesn't work, at least I can say I tried everything, and did it "by the book"

I still feel kinda dumb though :oops:


:shock: I think you guys are dumb.

Get Proscar if you can. It's worth it. Cutting it into 1/4th takes exactly 15 seconds. 30 seconds to cut it into 1/5ths. Plus you save a shitload of f*****g money. I'll be spending a grand total of somewhere in the neighborhood of $200 for a years supply of finasteride. You guys on Propecia will be spending(if the avg price is 50$ per month) $600 for your years supply of finasteride. And thats just one year. Two years of Proscar would cost me $400 and its going to cost your asses $1200 for two years of Propecia. So basically i can buy 3 years worth of finasteride for the price you pay for your 1 year supply of finasteride. Don't you feel dumb now?(but if it keeps you peace of, whatever)