Soya Milk Mixed Opinions?


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Again, this confuses me. I've worked out I'm not that knowledgable on this forum. I'm very naive, so I always come here to check what the best thing is to do.

Basically I have read that Soya Milk not only lowers (DHT), but it also lowers Testosterone levels, which contributes to hair loss (especially high levels.) But then on a few websites I hear they cause hair loss... I get very confused when different websites tell me different things =/

So does Soya Milk decrease male pattern baldness and Testosterone levels? Or do you think it increases these levels?


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Soy isoflavones reduce DHT and increase testosterone. In rats, a dose of 3.3 mg per day is the most effective. In humans, it's probably more. Most supplements contain something like 20-40 mg isoflavones, which seems like appropriate. A few cups of soy milk would be enough.

In men, 60 mg of soy isoflavones reduces DHT more than 1.6 mg, with no change in testosterone levels.

Whether soy milk (or rather, soy isoflavones) reduce male pattern baldness may depend on the ability of the person to produce equol from soy isoflavones. About 30% of people do.