Spearming Oil, Lavender Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Topical Anti Androgen Help?


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Hi I'm reading where these are all anti androgenic and I wonder if they have helped, in conjunction with other therapies, either slowed down hair fall or helped to regrow hair in anyone here. Sure it wouldn't do it alone. But with say the big 3, I'd like to add a topical and wonder if any of these have helped others.


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I've used LO (very low dose) and TTO for quite some time (on top of finasteride/minoxidil that I used for years already) - yes they have helped somewhat, mainly reducing day-to-day loss, possibly even some regrowth on top of head. But I am mainly interested in regrowing "temples" area - possibly some tiny success there, however I have not done photo evaluation so, not sure. Certainly helped with maintaining. Right now I'm using eucalyptus oil (EO) - that I find more effective. EO is a cyclooxygenase inhibitor and seems to have minoxidil like properties (at least the extract).


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Ok thanks. I'm using minoxidil also. That's for growth. But I need a topical anti androgen as this stuff , balding, is stronnnnng. So I wondered if any of those helped anyone.


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Rosemary oil briefly. Anyway rosemary is known to be beneficial for hair and so on.