Spectral dnc bad sides!!!! batch 990468 formular change!!!


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I just got my new bottle of spectral dnc cos my old one ran out my old one was batch 706170 and was yellow and smelt like cheap body deoderent. my new bottle is batch 990468 with a new plastic cap its clear and smells like waterd down washing up liquid I put some on today and about 10-15 minutes later I got irregular heart beats felt light headed and had about 3 hot flushes this all calmed down and now I have a pouding headache!!!!

I have used spectral dnc for about a year with no sides but this latest batch is terrible im worried I now cant use this and im stuck for options!!!

Please help...


Keyser Söze

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Hey Aibo82, I don't know if you saw one of my previous posts, regarding the formula change. I even emailed them & got a lame @sss reponse. Why wouldn't DS LABS know if they changed there formula its such a simple ?. I will have to email them again....

"The Spectral DNC formula occasionally gets revised whenever we discover a way to make it better. We follow a policy of continuous product improvement so sometimes the formula or packaging can be slightly different from one purchase to the next. Also, Spectral DNC contains high concentrations of many naturally derived substances. These include Adenosine, Procyanidin, and others. Due to these natural ingredients there will always be some variation from batch to batch as far as color, texture, and fragrance.

If you purchased Spectral DNC from one of our authorized dealers, you may be assured that what you received was an original DS Laboratories product and is chemically sound for use.

Please let us know if there is anything else we may help with."


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Many individuals experience facial flushing, lightheadedness, diaphoresis, or nausea after administration of adenosine. These symptoms are transitory, usually lasting less than one minute.

That was of wipekdia!! i wonder if they have uped that aswell as minoxidil. I have even tried spectral dnc-l and that gives me a worse reaction!

I think im going to have to swop to plain minoxdil!

Keyser Söze

Established Member
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I just recieved this latest email from DS Labs:

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your email.

Yes, one of the most recent production batches of Spectral DNC is a lighter color and the smell is a bit different as well. The serial numbers on this batch of Spectral DNC should look like this: SP0182396

I've asked our Research & Development department for the details of the latest updates that were made to the Spectral DNC formula and will get back to you with their reply.

Have a great week!


Angie C.
DS Laboratories, Inc.
Customer Service


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I dropped spectral after about 8 months. Too expensive and no benefit (for me).