Speedy side effects?


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Ummm, okay, I've been posting messages saying how I don't lose any hair when running my hands through my hair, in the shower, etc. Well, I took finasteride for the first time tonight (YAY!) and within the first hour, I was experiencing increased loss. Probably just my imagination, but I lost easily 30 hairs running my hands through it repeatedly, and some light pulling on hairs pulled out a good 15-20 :freaked: I kinda got scared, but I doubt side effects can kick in this fast... can they? Or is it my imagination.


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yea.. its defintely in your head.. orr.. just that your beginning to shed from something else on your regime.. theres noooo wayyyy i'm 200% sure that the finasteride caused you to lose 30 hair that fast..


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haha... :lol:


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ohhh...nooo..it sounds like your experiencing hyper-sensitive-finasteride reaction. I've only talked about this malignant reaction with one other person who experienced it and he went slick bald in 9 days..sorry man.


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Kramer3 is that true-slick bald from finasteride?!?!


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Kramer3 said:
ohhh...nooo..it sounds like your experiencing hyper-sensitive-finasteride reaction. I've only talked about this malignant reaction with one other person who experienced it and he went slick bald in 9 days..sorry man.


Last summer it was Limp Dick........

Summer 2004 is def shaping up for a Shed being the worry posts


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HPOWER said:
Kramer3 is that true-slick bald from finasteride?!?!

He's kidding.....

EDIT: and to the poster.....it's 100% your imagination. Do your best to relax and let it takes it's course without over evaluating yourself. Otherwise you will drive yourself nuts with worry.


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hahaha, thanks extremekicks! you rock!

Edit: Yes, I see my stupidity now, hahaha.

The shedder

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Ha speaking of weird sh*t, when I first started taking finpecia, about 3 weeks later, my hairloss stopped altogether for about two weeks, and then it started to fall out again.. I mean maybe 2-3 hairs a day but thats it.. Now i'm still shedding at month 5...