
spencer85's Story


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I'm 19 and I guess I'm a norwood 1, thinning all over. I noticed a minute bald spot on the front of my head when I was 16. I grew my hair out and I buzzed it short when I hit 19 because a few people were passing comments about how light the hair on the top of my head was becoming compared to the sides. I become quite insecure over it. My hairline has receded I reckon half an inch in the last year, I can tell as I used to have a freckle on my scalp but the freckle is now on my forehead.

In February 2004 I started to use minoxidl 5% twice a day, then I added nizoral in June 2004. Now I've assessed my progress between feb04 and sep04 and my hair has neither improved nor gotten worse. Its still crap - for a 19 year old at least. Three weeks ago, I started taking proscar 1mg a day. Side effects I've experienced so far; watery semen, slightly increased sex drive, a small shed on my front hairline and diarrhoea every few days - seriously, very unusual for me as I eat well and never get diarrhoea so I don't know whether to contribute this to the finasteride or not?

I had a terrible time last year with my hairloss, I was 18 and losing my hair and I became incredibly self-conscious and started to make up excuses not to go out. My first year in college suffered because of it as I felt quite depressed at times - I never sought help but I feel as if I've come to terms with it now so am slightly more confident. From being so confident around girls before, because of my hairloss I feel awkward as I don't know any other 19 year olds losing there hair, I feel as if I'm at a disadvantage with women, so much so that I haven't got anywhere with a girl in 7 months. A vast contrast to the times of when I had hair.

That’s my story



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I hear ya 19 too and im just trying to maintain what i have. Im taking everything u are tho, minoxidil, finasteride, and i just got some nizoral. I suggest you take some pics so you can judge your progress better and see what is working for you. good luck.


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With ya

My man your story is a sad one, but I am with ya. Over the last four months I have shed tons of hair. I used to have extremely thick hair. Now I am a Norwood 1.5 with thin hair all over my crown. It sucks, and kills my self confidence. I am still comin to grips with it.


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thanks guys. Its so sh*t losing your hair at 19. I always thought I'd reach 30 before I got stung.

My confidence is gone to sh*t now. Just last week, I bumped into a friend who I hadn't seen since I shaved my head completely. We went back to his place and he called some friends up, pizza's and cans of bud etc. Then when he stood up he started to stare at my shaved head for about 15 seconds, examines it up close (I'm 6ft6 so the only time people see the top of my head is when I'm sitting down) and laughs aloud and shouts out that I'm going bald. For the whole night when anyone was talking to me, instead of keeping eye contact they were looking at my head or if they suspected I wasn't taking any notice I could see them in the corner of my eye staring at my head - I'm honestly not being paranoid, I even heard a few remarks.


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I'm nearly on finasteride a month now. tbh no really noticeable side effects so far, other than quite watery semen and a few spots of my face. I shave my head every few days so it hard to tell if I'm shedding much but I have experienced some slight shedding on my front hairline - or whatever its called.

I'm currently taking 1mg of finasteride a day because I'm 19 and I'm kind of wary about potential effects on my body in the years ahead. I'm cutting 5mg proscar into fifths. Do you guys reckon I should be taking 1.25mg a day?


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1mg of finasteride is the recommnded dosage and quite possibly more than enough. The only reason anyone takes 1.25mg is because a tablet is easier to split into four than five! I'm currently taking 1.25 a day and skipping finasteride on the fifth for this reason.

Studies suggest that you can experience good results with as little as .2mg a day. I've taken 1.25mg every other day for a month before now and still had good results.


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The following probably makes little sense but it really helps to get it off my chest.

I'm going out to a club on wednesday night for the first time in 2months. Don't get me wrong I've been to clubs hundreds of times, (I'm in Ireland so legal age is 18 not 21). But since I've shaved my head six months ago, my confidence has gone to sh*t and I'd be left sitting in the corner as all my friends would be chatting up girls.

When I had hair I could pull women left, right and centre but I havent got with a girl in 7 months, that condom really deserves to be used up. When I wear a hat in clubs I feel so confident and I get attention from women but without it I'm just really introspective and women don't even notice me because of this. But when I'm wearing a hat I'm so paranoid that someone will just yank if off my head when I'm on the dance floor and expose my baldness, which has happened before and I just wanted to punch the a**h**.

I hardly every wear hats but I feel so inadequte in clubs without it, as its essentially a meat market.

I know I may sound depressed but I'm really not, well for 90% of the day I'm happy but for the other 10% I feel so pissed off with being bald at 19 that I keep my head held down when I'm walking past a beautiful woman as I'm so embarassed.

Its all jumbled up and hard to understand but I don't feel as bad as when I started to type it.