spironolactone and minoxidil


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Dudes i started using spironolactone 2% and minoxidil 5%
i apply spironolactone first then wait 15 minutes and apply minoxidil
is that how it supposed to be
or i should let spironolactone sit on my head for more time?

thank u


Senior Member
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sounds about right.

The Gardener

Senior Member
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If you are using spironolactone 2%.. apply the spironolactone first, let it sit 10-15 mins, then apply the minoxidil.

If you are using spironolactone 5%.. apply the minoxidil first, let it sit 15-20 mins, then apply the spironolactone. That is what Dr Lee says, but personally, I let the minoxidil sit a LOT longer than 20 mins before applying the 5%. I usually let it sit an hour if I can.