spironolactone Experts HELP !


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I'm on topical Spir0 5% for 1 1/2 months. I apply it on my hairline and on temples. Now my front is thinned dramatically. It looks funny about 5 cm from hairline its thinned and the distance between each hair is bigger now. Overall I can easily count my hair in front ! after this region there density again !

Before the spironolactone applycation I was on minoxidil with same density everywhere. Now I got I big problem in front, even with buzzed hair it looks stupid.

So is this a typical spironolactone shed if u start treatment ? I asked Dr.Lee and he said..spironolactone doesnt cause shedding !

I only wanted to stabilze my front hair so I can keep them for some years and now there almost gone in 1 1/2 months !


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im having similar, what the hell is this stuff? - i use 2% liquid , it seems like its a hair remover, just thins them out , makes them go white, then they go.


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Same thing happened to me on 2% spironolactone. After almost 3 months it caused me an excessive amount of thinning.

I believe there are just some people who do not respond well to spironolactone AT ALL.


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I'm not having a problem with the spironolactone at all. Maybe some slight shedding but nothing serious. Do any of you have any irritation that is occuring with it's use?? Such as redness, itching, etc. You may be having an allergic reaction to it that is causing some of the shedding. Also are you using Nizoral or T-gel etc? Either of these may help..


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Guys you must remember that spironolactone is affects DHT and it is completely normal to experience shedding even to the point of thinning. The same thing happens to many that use finasteride. Just need to stick it out. I know it sucks and can be scary, but when inhibiting DHT, etc things generally will get worse before better! As far as spironolactone not causing shedding; most do associate shedding with it. Remember also that you can not evaluate your hair at 3 months.................when you reach 6 months to a year then evaluate your situation. spironolactone is the best alternative to propecia for maintaining your hair .....besides maybe revivogen!


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I experienced some redness for first week but after its gone away
been on it bout 3 weeks no result yet


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My success has come from topical 2%. I did notice more shedding when i switched over to the 5%, but that my have simply been from the higher concentration causing and initial shed.

You could be having an allergic reaction, but if you are only 2 months i would assume that its probably the "initial" shed that is typical of antiandrogens.

If a person is getting thinner and not seeing any regrowth after 4 months i would stop using spironolactone, you are probably having some kind of allergic reaction.

There have been 2 studies for topical spironolactone on male pattern baldness-that i know of-and both show a clear effectiveness for hautling and regrowing hair when used as a single topical agent. There is nothing in the literature that shows spironolactone "causes" hair loss.

The shedder

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hey jesusfreak nice avatar. I'm a huge nirvana fan and me and my freinds still make it a point to watch nirvana unplugged(which i taped) at least twice a month. He was a troubled musical genius and its a shame to see bands who were inspired by him to not give him any recognition. f*****g sellouts.


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Becks said:
Before the spironolactone applycation I was on minoxidil with same density everywhere. Now I got I big problem in front, even with buzzed hair it looks stupid. !

Becks, did you stop the minoxidil when you started spironolactone? If so that may well be your problem.

I've used 2%spironolactone on and off in the past (longest continuous use was 7 months), for me, I've never seen anything from it, positive or negative.


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Nils, no I#m still on Lee's 5% minoxidil normal and without PPG.

I use the 5 % cream. My front about 3-5 cm from hairline is diffuse thinned. I#m freaking out .what shall i do if the rest shed too and doesn't come back. I would receed 5 cm in one month !

It looks realy weird...5 cm diffus and then really thick hair ! And soon 5cm bald and really thick hair.


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hey jesusfreak nice avatar. I'm a huge nirvana fan and me and my freinds still make it a point to watch nirvana unplugged(which i taped) at least twice a month. He was a troubled musical genius and its a shame to see bands who were inspired by him to not give him any recognition. f*****g sellouts.

Yeah, Kurt's genius and conributions are often over-looked. His lyrics are quite a social commentary on everything that is wrong with this synthetic society. He sacrificed his own happiness because he refused to ignore the injustices and isolation people are subjected to in our society. He was an innocent and pure soul and wasn't prepared to defend himself against that devil Courtney Love, until she had already devoured his soul.