spironolactone, nizoral and Saw Palmetto as topicals Reducing Shed!


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Hey I may have found a little mini break thru for me.

I normally shed around 70 hairs.

Well tried something new and only 22 shed hairs :punk:

Almost 70% reduction in shed!

Less shed ='s more hair on my head and the hair that I have will be darker and thicker because less dht.

I intend to do every 3 days.

This is my first time trying so should decrease even further with time as my follicles are constantly exposed to this.

This is what I did.

1. Shampoo- with nizoral 2% (let sit 15 mins)
2. Condition- Added liquid Saw Palmetto to my conditioner (NO alcohol version, put all over scalp, sit 30+ mins)
3. Style - 50 mg spironolactone crushed in styling lotion (applied with nozzle to scalp)

Liquid Saw Palmetto



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Also the good part is that it doesn't add anything to my regimen.

I already have to wash condition and style.

Adding the saw palmetto to the conditioner takes 2 seconds. The same with the spironolactone because it dissolves with very little effort.


Liquid Saw Palmetto is interesting. I've heard that taken orally, only 2% reaches the scalp, which is close to non effective. Is liquid Saw Palmetto applied topically actually effective in blocking DHT in scalp?


New Member
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thats awesome, good for you!
spironolactone never helped me... that liquid Saw palmetto is interesting


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Update: Still doing this but every 4 days, yes I'm sliding a little, lazy.

Anyway, My hair loss went up to 50 hairs a day but has moved down to 20's. It's rotating. I wash my hair every 3 to 4 days. By the 3rd or 4th day, my hair loss increases to 50ish. Other than that still in the 20's range.

Ill try to wash every 3 days and see what happens.