spironolactone Questions

Fallout Boy

Experienced Member
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Sorry if these are dumb questions but please answer/comment

Are there any users here that can swear by spironolactone that it works??

Is it a good maintenance addition to finasteride.?

Is there anywhere you can get it besides ordering it off the internet?

And if it does maintain is it strong enough to maintain around the temples / hairline??

Thanks .. sorry if these have been asked to know but i am intrested to know more about spironolactone.


I´ve looked alot at topical solutions and of all I have read about yet spironolactone looks like the nr 1 product to use.

It can be ordered from lipoxidil.com and from what I understand this is the best version of it.

At this site people order it from dr lee at minoxidil.com

Best of luck man.


Senior Member
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Nesta do you use the spironolactone version from lipoxidil. I don't think spironolactone is really all that worth it, but possibly using liposomes for targeted drug delivery might help it work better. I think it's like $54 bucks at lipoxidil.com and they say it can last you 3 months. The price is not bad and this is the only way I would consider using spironolactone again.


viperfish said:
Nesta do you use the spironolactone version from lipoxidil. I don't think spironolactone is really all that worth it, but possibly using liposomes for targeted drug delivery might help it work better. I think it's like $54 bucks at lipoxidil.com and they say it can last you 3 months. The price is not bad and this is the only way I would consider using spironolactone again.

Hey Viper!

Sorry I don´t use anything but minoxidil and nizoral (once a week). However If I took the topical approach then spironolactone would be it and probably be from lipoxidil.com infact I don´t understand why people by dr lees minoxidil instead of the stuff from lipoxidil.

I plan on using proxiphen so I only have to apply minoxidil once and it has some anti-inflammatory stuff in the mix.

Take care!