spironolactone results


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about 3 months ago i discontinued avodart after great success but horrible side effects, did nothing for a month and later started mimicking HairLossTalk.com regimen of spironolactone 5 percent and revivogen. i was expecting a seroius shed from quitting the avodart which came but has seem to last only about 2 weeks. now after about 7 weeks on the spironolactone my hairloss is down to aobut 5 to 7 hairs in the shower from 50 to 60. i have been on the battle for about a year now and have found that i respond very fast to treatments perhaps because when i first started balding i was on propecia about 3 weeks later. i still am expecting the worst. has anyone else seen results like this this quick on spironolactone, is it to soon to think i have won for a little while. it sure is nice to not be scared of side effects


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Yes I thought I was seeing awesome results. However, soon I found that it was just my hairline receding back. Read my krazy growth on spironolactone and totally disregard it. My hairline is now much thinner.