spironolactone users


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Does this really work?

Dr. Lee's webpage says that if you are using xandrox 15% and also apply minoxidil 5%, you should use spironolactone after minoxidil application.

Is this true ?

somebody using this combination of Xandrox, minoxidil and spironolactone?


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I swear to christ the people these days have completely lost their sense of insight.

Xandrox15 in the morning with nothing else at the time of application because the azelaic acid (IN THEORY) is a sufficient inhibitor of 5AR topically, and then a 5% minoxidil application at night followed by an application of spironolactone cream.

And yes, this is a good mix because spironolactone is known to be a very powerful DHT inhibitor, even topically. Beware of the stench when spironolactone and minoxidil react with each other though... it's pretty vile.


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Not to bastardize this thread but....I make my own topical spironolactone. I put 9 100mg pills into a 60ml empty minoxidil bottle and then add ethyl alcohol. I apply it about 5-10 minutes after applying minoxidil. Do you think the spironolactone is effectively being absorbed into my scalp?


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i use 15% once a day and that is it...results...awesome.....but you are suppose well at least directions say 5% in the morning and 15% at night...i really dont see the point in 15% and spironolactone...unless you are really going for everything....btw xandrox is minoxidil..just a diff name and diff ingredients....


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The funny thing in hair loss topicals is that you can pretty much apply whatever you want, however you want. If 1 application once a day is giving you acceptable results BY ALL MEANS keep it up. In fact, that's really a good thing. In the event (knock on wood) that the 15% application isn't enough to retain your results, you can always add something else. It's kinda hard to add things if you already are using EVERYTHING.

I just ordered myself up a batch of Xandrox15 for the morning. If this doesn't work, I'm screwed. Already using all the heavy hitters, Dutasteride, minoxidil 5%, and soon Xandrox15. Alls that's left is spironolactone at night, and that sh*t makes me wanna vomit.


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Can I use spironolactone without minoxidil? Would that reduce the stench?
Also, is spironolactone a cream or is it in liquid form?
What is recommended? 2% or 5% spironolactone?
Finally, does spironolactone result in an initial shed?


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you can use spironolactone without minoxidil and yes it does reduce the bad smell,there is a lotion that is hard to put on and also a liquid.in some studies done by Dr.Lee he used 5% in his studies which makes me think that the 5% is better.


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The stench only comes from the minoxidil reacting with the spironolactone. The lotion smells like regular old perfume free lotion by itself. I don't know what the liquid smells like.

The liquid, though, is easier to apply and looks more discreet than the lotion. I'd start with the 2% liquid first.


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Sorry, but does spironolactone cause an initial shed? I don't really feel like facing any increased hairloss, temporary a not


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In short, in my experinece Yes spironolactone does cause a shed.

I was on the big 3 for 2 years and still losing my hair so I thought i'd beef it up, ive been on spironolactone for a month now and ive 'shed' like I never have before, hopefully this 'shed' hair will come back and I will be singing it's praises, if not expect a torrent of abuse regarding this product.