

New Member
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I did a little more research on this site and saw a lot about the spironolactone product.

I am thinking of using spironolactone (liquid at night, since i have no total bald spot and dont really care about my receding hairline) and Xandrox 5% am and pm. Has anyone used this combo? Any good results? I would rather try the spironolactone than propecia.

Apparently the really bad smell from a few months ago is not as much a problem anymore. Can anyone verify that? Thanks for all your help again guys. This page rocks! :lol:


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In my experience, the smell isn't bad unless you use a ton of it, or when the stuff breaks down because of heat (like if you are exercising with it on your head, or the sun bakes it.)


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that is what im doing..15% at night with spironolactone....you do smell it somewhat but not unbearable or annoying really...but you do smell like he said when heat or what not is involved but not a great deal. i also use 5% in the morning..like you i dont want to get on finasteride so spironolactone is the last thing before i consider finasteride.


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Hey guys thanks for the response.

Hoping, how long have you been doing the spironolactone and minoxidil? How have your results been thusfar?


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i was on 5% only for a year and the results were so awesome...but then december rolled around and i started to heavy shed really bad...then in jan i decided to add in 15% at night...i kept emailing and asking Dr. Lee he said i was in tegen whatever im drunk can tthin sorries...but he also said i might be in the accelerated genetic hairloss phase and should ben ending right now and should start seeing results since i have been on this regime for 4 an dhalf months...i add spironolactone 3 months ago....i see regrowth on my temples...but my front stilll hastn thickened up yet.....i have a 6 month supply of fincar im holding out for one mor emonth to see if he is right....if not im starting fincar...but i have read othe rpeople have had great results with the 2% spironolactone.