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Has anyone had great success on spironolactone?? I never hear anyone say anything great about it, except for JesusFreak who is the only one. All I have been hearing is possible maintanence, which who knows maybe you would have maintained not even being on spironolactone. I had some great things occurring, which went to sh*t. I honestly can't believe it! I have since went and ordered courve because my hair looks so shitty. I'm starting to doubt spironolactone big time!!!!!! I am honestly starting to believe the sh*t is bogus........... yeah, yeah, yeah the science is there but...........???????????????????????????????????????????? Where is the real world results; pictures???????


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Anyone know if it's possible to use spironolactone and Fluridil in the same day say spironolactone in the morning and Fluridil at night or would that disrupt the effectiveness of either?

George Costanza

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I'm starting to doubt spironolactone big time!!!!!! I am honestly starting to believe the sh*t is bogus........... yeah, yeah, yeah the science is there but...........???????????????????????????????????????????? Where is the real world results; pictures???????

I hear ya. I've been thinking the same thing. spironolactone looks like the ultimate weapon against hairloss........ON PAPER. Yet I've lost more hair since starting over 9 months ago.


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You really are contradicting yourself. Couple of weeks you ago you were raving about spironolactone, saying you were able to see tons of vellous hairs growing in at the hairline and attributed this to spironolactone in your regimen, but now you are suggesting you are losing your hair because of it. Perhaps, it is revivogen that is responsible for your current situation. To tell you the truth, not a lot of people have confidence in revivogen. I would drop revivogen and keep spironolactone because a lot of people see spironolactone as a direct alternatiove to propecia, which they are not willing to use for one reason or another.


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Like I said in the above post that intially I saw some very good things occurring (at least I thought I did). Alot of tiny vellus hairs sprouting up everywhere, which continued to grow in length. But now they are completely gone and I wonder if my hairline is simply receding back (my hair I believe is thinner than before spironolactone use). The point is that I visit three hairloss websites and have heard not a positive thing. It looks great on paper, but where is the damn proof, pictures, etc...... The only person I have ever heard say anything postive about the stuff is JesusFreak.


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another problem with this question is that it seems very few people use spironolactone by itself.


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This is very true Viceroy ..people use so many products in their regimen that they cant figure out if its spironolactone doing the job or finasteride,minoxidil,or whatever else they use.

The Gardener

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All I can say is that minoxidil + spironolactone + Nizoral = Regrowth, for me. Period. My center-forehead frontal 'patch' is now fully reconnected to the rest of my hairline, and in a very cosmetically significant way. Additionally, I have 1/2 inch reduction in the heighth of my bald temples. And my existing hair in the potential male pattern baldness area is growing fantastically. Looking more like a normal dude with high foreheads, and less like Phil Collins every day.


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The Gardener,
I'm glad you had so much success, but it could be due solely to minoxidil use. Correct??? I mean who really knows. That's why I want to know if there are any before and after pictures of spironolactone as a single agent. If there are not any I'm off of it. It has only hurt my hairline.

George Costanza

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I honestly don't believe spironolactone has even slowed my hairloss down. I was planning on giving it a year but I've changed my mind. I've bought my last batch. I'm going to finish my current supply up which will put me over the 10 month mark and then order Eucapil.


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Yep, me too George! Eucapil here I come...........I see no pictures supporting spironolactone's efficiency and I have seen plenty supporting fluridil. Why should I continue to use spironolactone and hope I see something???


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spironolactone pics are available in the spironolactone trials...Bryan has it online someplace

Also, there was a trial done on women hair loss that had fairly compelling results for topical spironolactone.

Look it up!


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viper why give up so easily? You have had several posts about spironolactone... why not just stay on it? It won't change your hair over night...


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fluridil seems to work for everyone so far
well ppl on hairlosshelp.com say good things about it...
i was thinking bout ordering it myself but im cheap
and minoxidil is working for me so far


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With regards to Fluridil, what about it's 95% isopropyl alcohol content? That's a pretty strong isopropyl alcohol content that makes me wonder what would happen to my scalp if I applied it everyday. Anyone know how harmful that could be? Also, there are no independent studies on Fluridil if that means anything to anyone.


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JesusFreak said:
spironolactone pics are available in the spironolactone trials...Bryan has it online someplace

Also, there was a trial done on women hair loss that had fairly compelling results for topical spironolactone.

Look it up!

Trial ??? I was unable to see anything in the pictures. spironolactone seems to perform well on paper like Acelaic Acid. Oral spironolactone coudl help...

George Costanza

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With regards to Fluridil, what about it's 95% isopropyl alcohol content? That's a pretty strong isopropyl alcohol content that makes me wonder what would happen to my scalp if I applied it everyday. Anyone know how harmful that could be? Also, there are no independent studies on Fluridil if that means anything to anyone.

95% alcohol!? That's a lot. But at least you only need to use it once a day. I wonder how much alcohol is in 2% spironolactone because I use it twice a day without much irritation and it smells like it has a lot.

Regardless of the trials done on spironolactone and fluridil, I just flat out hear more good things from fluridil users than spironolactone users. Plus I have my own ineffective experience with spironolactone so I've got nothing to lose with trying fluridil. What the hell. :beer:


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Eucapil has grape seed oil in it. This is supposed to stop any irritation that may be caused by the alcohol. In fact most that seem to be using Eucapil remark that their hair and scalp have never felt better. This is most likely due to the grape seed extract.

Can you point me out to some pictures???? I have seen a few pictures, but they sure don't show much at all. Not like I've seen with fluridil and propecia.