Hi I´m 26 Years old and started to notice some slight hair loss about 2 years ago....I olso have been thru a prety bad depression in this time after a split up...(you know, feeling awful, not having any self steem, sleeping and in at home all day...) and was on antidepresion drugs for about a year...could they of caused some hairloss? I read info on the trugs I took on the net and hairloss was not indicated as a side effect.
Lets get back on track...my hairloss...I have wanted to do something about it for about a year...but never got round to much...appart from visiting stupid dermatologists who just say its life and get on with your hairloss and dont want to prescribe any treatment...
I could notice it slowly getting worse and worse so
I started on 1mg of proscar dailiy about 25 days ago...and Have noticed some serious shedding...Its quite scary my hair has thined even more than it was usualy all over the top...By the way my father is 52 is totaly bald in the same area I´m thining!!!!!!!!!
I would apreciate some support, advice
By the whay what Norwood scale would I be? by the pics below?
Would you guys try the buzz look and hold out hopping it is a bad shedd?
You guys talk about other topical tratments no? minoxidil? I hait topicals...
Is there any tablets of this that do the same effect?
I like to style my hair by having a nice shower and bloe dry my hair ( it looks better than wet) and not starting rubbing chemicals into it
It´s got to the point i want to do all possible to make my hair look better and regain some self steem, asume my hairloss and know i´m trying to do all i can to help stop it...
Dry hair, combed forward camera in flash mode
Dry hair, combed forward camera in flash mode
Dry hair, combed forward camera NO FLASH mode
Dry hair, combed forward camera in flash mode
Wet hair, combed forward camera in flash mode
Wet hair, Spiked up to show shedding camera in flash mode. Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!!! Heeeelppppppppp
Lets get back on track...my hairloss...I have wanted to do something about it for about a year...but never got round to much...appart from visiting stupid dermatologists who just say its life and get on with your hairloss and dont want to prescribe any treatment...
I could notice it slowly getting worse and worse so
I started on 1mg of proscar dailiy about 25 days ago...and Have noticed some serious shedding...Its quite scary my hair has thined even more than it was usualy all over the top...By the way my father is 52 is totaly bald in the same area I´m thining!!!!!!!!!
I would apreciate some support, advice
By the whay what Norwood scale would I be? by the pics below?
Would you guys try the buzz look and hold out hopping it is a bad shedd?
You guys talk about other topical tratments no? minoxidil? I hait topicals...
Is there any tablets of this that do the same effect?
I like to style my hair by having a nice shower and bloe dry my hair ( it looks better than wet) and not starting rubbing chemicals into it
It´s got to the point i want to do all possible to make my hair look better and regain some self steem, asume my hairloss and know i´m trying to do all i can to help stop it...
Dry hair, combed forward camera in flash mode
Dry hair, combed forward camera in flash mode
Dry hair, combed forward camera NO FLASH mode
Dry hair, combed forward camera in flash mode
Wet hair, combed forward camera in flash mode
Wet hair, Spiked up to show shedding camera in flash mode. Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!!! Heeeelppppppppp