Split dose of Finasteride?


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Is it best to take Finasteride once a day in the morning or split the dose and take .5mg in the morning and .5mg at night?

Any advantage from splitting the dose?


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bluenun said:
Is it best to take Finasteride once a day in the morning or split the dose and take .5mg in the morning and .5mg at night?

Any advantage from splitting the dose?

Some people say that splitting the dose is more effective but I would just follow Merck's indications and take 1 mg/day ... in the morning, at night, whenever at one dosage. Splitting the pill and taking half-half probably won't hurt but I'm all about simplication.



I expect Merck look for the most saleable product and a pill that you just pop in the morning will always be more attractive to the consumer than two pills you have to take at different times of the day, even if results are slightly better with 2 doses I think Merck would have more ease selling the 'one-a-day-hair-pillâ„¢'.I say 'slightly' better, because if the results were significantly better, say 20 or 30% better, I am sure this superior result would negate any split dose issues and lead to better sales figures.

I have seen a couple of posts on other sites, often mentioning finastrerides 6 hour stay in the body, if this figure is correct it would make sense to go for 2 doses of 0.5mg split 12 hours apart. But working on these figures of 6 hours for the finastreride to be cleared from the body and a 12 hour period between doses, this means our follicles are exposed to DHT for 12 hours a day, that's half the day! as terrible as this sounds, in theory, this is prefrable to the 18 hour DHT house party that would exist if the 6 hour figure is correct when taking a single dose.

Although this raises the spectre of "if two doses are better, what about four, and if four are even better then how about eight etc etc" leading to..... Propeciaâ„¢ Time-Release.

I expect if results from Propeciaâ„¢ Time-Release were at all significantly superior to plain 'ol Propecia, Merck would have developed Propecia this way, after all time release technology/chemistry is fairly straight forward and inexpensive, and Merck's sales would profit from a superior product.

And perhaps the whole 5-alpha-reductase > testosterone > dihyrotestosterone circus is cycled around a 24 day, like meletonin being produced mainly in the evening or growth hormone being produced primarily in the initial stages of sleep, if this is so the finastreride may have done its work of subduing the production of significant amounts of DHT by the time its 6 hour life is over and you may not need to control your DHT until it once again reaches dangerous levels (for your follicles that is) around 24 hours later.

what do you all think, I personally have not come to any solid conclusions.



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THis is a very good question. Ive always wondered about it. Should I take it when i wake up? When I go to sleep? Or should I take half when i wake up and half when i go to sleep? Ive heard of alot of people who say that they have had success on finasteride and they take it b4 they go to bed. When does everybody here take it? I take 1mg rite when I wake up and i dont eat for an hour or so.


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i take it in the early morning, between 11am and sometimes as late as 2pm, i doubt whether when you take it makes a big difference to the hair's response.


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Uh, just because it has a 6 hour half-life doesn't mean that after those 6 hours your DHT levels bounce right back up to their original levels. If you take it once every 24 hours, you make sure your DHT levels are kept at a constant low, as the constant dose of finasteride lowers your DHT levels all day long every day as long as you keep a repeated dose. It's not like for 6 hours finasteride does its work, then all of a sudden BLAM! DHT is back in full force!


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I take mine in the morning on a empty stomach with grapefruit or orange juice

Come on me little beautys


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finasteride has a half life of six hours. Meaning that after six hours only half of it is left...12 hours a quarter, 18 and eighth..ect.

I take 1.25mg per day but i take half in the morning and half at night. I dont know if it actually works better this way because im only at 4 months right now. The theory behind it makes sense though. Good luck to all.


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finasteride has a half life of six hours. Meaning that after six hours only half of it is left...12 hours a quarter, 18 and eighth..ect.

Where does it say this?


message from Dr dutasteride over on Hairsite

Dear Ty,
I must point out a misconception - you're not the only one making it - but finasteride doesnt have to be taken twice a day or 'timed release'
Although the serum half life is 6 hours the biological half life is about a week.
i.e. the 5ar is inactivated permanently by the finasteride and it takes days for enough new 5ar to be manufactured to raise DHT levels again!
Taking finasteride once a day is enough!


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tynanW said:
message from Dr dutasteride over on Hairsite

Dear Ty,
I must point out a misconception - you're not the only one making it - but finasteride doesnt have to be taken twice a day or 'timed release'
Although the serum half life is 6 hours the biological half life is about a week.
i.e. the 5ar is inactivated permanently by the finasteride and it takes days for enough new 5ar to be manufactured to raise DHT levels again!
Taking finasteride once a day is enough!

Dr dutasteride and Deaner are right. Serum half life is quite different from biological half life, especially in the case of finasteride (and many other hormone-changing drugs).



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Nice avatar bluenun..... :lol:

What ever happened to naked video!


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Thanks DJ007.

Those were the days :)

I had forgotten he was in Naked Video.
The avatar was taken from a Hamlet cigar advert.