Sprironolactone And Weight Gain, Discontinuing And Weight Loss Q


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I typically use heralopecia.com but it's been down. does anybody know anything about that??

On to my question: has anyone experienced weight gain or inability to lose while taking spironolactone? And, has anyone lost stubborn weight when discontinuing the med?

I understand that spironolactone works by blocking DHT, and probably impacting estrogen levels (aside from the diuretic effects). I'm going to assume it has the possibility of making someone estrogen-dominant. I have been on spironolactone for over 2 years. It was prescribed for back acne, but I was happy to take it because I knew it would help the Telogen Effluvium/early Androgenetic Alopecia. I was already on rogaine and having a positive response to it alone. I am not PCOS to my knowledge.

I used to be very lean, but after my youngest was born 5 years ago, I had to take a med that caused weight gain as a side effect. I was also prescribed levothyroxine for slight hypothyroidism. After discontinuing the med that caused w/g, I lost a good deal of weight over months. Then, less than a year after that, I started spironolactone. I feel like my weight loss is hindered by spironolactone. I have never returned to my normal prepreg weight, and remain 15-20 lb heavier. I have more body fat all over, especially belly and thighs. My bust is fuller for sure. I do not take hormonal birth control, and of course the spironolactone makes periods irregular. I am tempted to discontinue the spironolactone for a period of time to see what happens to my weight. I am petrified though, that I will start another Telogen Effluvium cycle or hair loss will worsen. I feel like I am at least in a stable place with my hair, and I am terrified to lose anything. I believe my weight is being impacted big time due to spironolactone induced hormone imbalance. I would LOVE to hear insights from anyone that has gone through a similar situation. Thank you, I'm looking forward to any help I can get ;)