Square Shaped Plugs Instead of Rounded Plugs

Fishing Line

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Many bald males want absolute perfection when having hair transplants while others would prefer a basic hair transplant which is better than having none at all but it can be costly and time consuming .
The old fashion way of doing hair transplants was the round plug method where a lot more than one hair was transplanted at each insertion but the results were not always the best because it liked like tuffs of doll hair.
Doing hair transplants by one hair at a time is really time consuming and often very costly and the density is not as good compared to a lot of hairs from a donor sites being transplanted at the same time like the old plug method because many males have very thick dense hair at the rear of their heads but are bald on top.
Why is it not possible ? to invent a square plug insertion instrument where lots of hair can be implanted at the same in areas which are not at the edges of the hairline , if a larger square plug insertion was used instead of a larger round plug insertion , the result would look more natural because the square plugs would meet together better in a straight line and could be easily filled in another session with single hair between the insertions and around the edges .
This procedure should reduce the insertion time and the cost and also give a much better density if the plugs were larger than single hair insertions because they would have a much higher success rate of surviving the hair transplant process .
The problem with many hair transplants is the lack of density with the final result and the first option should be to get as much density as possible with larger square plugs to start with then to fill in the gaps and the front lines with single hair insertions during the final surgery session .
A thousand human hairs on the human head don't cover much space , if you look at a male hair piece wig and count a thousand hairs on it , it doesn't cover a lot of space and if your are paying $7 for every hair that is transplanted like it costs in many countries , it can become a very costly procedure , 100 x10 hairs at a time is much quicker than 1,000 x 1 hair when hairs are being transplanted from the donor site on the head .


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Many bald males want absolute perfection when having hair transplants while others would prefer a basic hair transplant which is better than having none at all but it can be costly and time consuming .
The old fashion way of doing hair transplants was the round plug method where a lot more than one hair was transplanted at each insertion but the results were not always the best because it liked like tuffs of doll hair.
Doing hair transplants by one hair at a time is really time consuming and often very costly and the density is not as good compared to a lot of hairs from a donor sites being transplanted at the same time like the old plug method because many males have very thick dense hair at the rear of their heads but are bald on top.
Why is it not possible ? to invent a square plug insertion instrument where lots of hair can be implanted at the same in areas which are not at the edges of the hairline , if a larger square plug insertion was used instead of a larger round plug insertion , the result would look more natural because the square plugs would meet together better in a straight line and could be easily filled in another session with single hair between the insertions and around the edges .
This procedure should reduce the insertion time and the cost and also give a much better density if the plugs were larger than single hair insertions because they would have a much higher success rate of surviving the hair transplant process .
The problem with many hair transplants is the lack of density with the final result and the first option should be to get as much density as possible with larger square plugs to start with then to fill in the gaps and the front lines with single hair insertions during the final surgery session .
A thousand human hairs on the human head don't cover much space , if you look at a male hair piece wig and count a thousand hairs on it , it doesn't cover a lot of space and if your are paying $7 for every hair that is transplanted like it costs in many countries , it can become a very costly procedure , 100 x10 hairs at a time is much quicker than 1,000 x 1 hair when hairs are being transplanted from the donor site on the head .

I'm just reasoning here, but the grafts should have some distance in between them i assume, otherwise they will be in each others way. So the end of this square plugs/insertion tool would need either some room between these grafts, so some skin is between the grafts after inserting, which basically means a lot of round plugs in a bigger square plug, with some room between them(making it harder to push through your skin, as it is a bigger tool, reducing accuracy,increasing skin damage). Or you need a a square plug where skin is already present between the grafts which, i guess this should be your own skin and involve a lot of cutting etc? Seems a bit messy.

I can't really get a picture of how this would look, but maybe that's just me. Don't get me wrong i would applaud any cheaper hair transplant methods. Especially if it would create a perfect hairline, as i can benefit from both. So this could be an interesting discussion


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I don;t think that's a viable option. Reasons:
1) bigger scars at the back, there would be like holes.
2)bigger scars/trauma at the recipient site
3) it surely will look unnatural, it is common sense: there will be spots of very thick hair with gaps of much thinner hair or no hair at all between them.
It is not an option. hair transplant industry has been there, done that, conclusion: not satisfactory, maybe even horrible in some cases.
That's why it was abandoned.
I don't know, maybe when you grow the hair out it wouldn't look bad, the gaps of no hair or thin hair are covered when hair is long, but, with the hair short, it will look horrible. Think about it: the existing rest of hair in the front/middle scalp is "finer" at most guys with hair loss. Even if they sstabilise it with treatment, it will be soft and fine, and thin in diameter. Then you come with plugs from the back, with much stronger, thick and coarse hair, and above all, in plugs...it will look messy.

Fishing Line

New Member
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Square Plugs

I don;t think that's a viable option. Reasons:
1) bigger scars at the back, there would be like holes.
2)bigger scars/trauma at the recipient site
3) it surely will look unnatural, it is common sense: there will be spots of very thick hair with gaps of much thinner hair or no hair at all between them.
It is not an option. hair transplant industry has been there, done that, conclusion: not satisfactory, maybe even horrible in some cases.
That's why it was abandoned.
I don't know, maybe when you grow the hair out it wouldn't look bad, the gaps of no hair or thin hair are covered when hair is long, but, with the hair short, it will look horrible. Think about it: the existing rest of hair in the front/middle scalp is "finer" at most guys with hair loss. Even if they stabilise it with treatment, it will be soft and fine, and thin in diameter. Then you come with plugs from the back, with much stronger, thick and coarse hair, and above all, in plugs...it will look messy.
This method is for the strip method where a strip of hair is taken from the back of the head and cut into small slabs , so it would better to cut square slabs instead of rounded plugs.
The idea of a hair transplant is to cover as much of the bald head as possible , when gardeners are transplanting grass turf , they do it in large blocks and they don't transplant in singular sections .
I do think the procedure that I suggest would be very successful except for those that wear their hair very short .
When hair is combed forward unless it is very short , it is usually impossible to see scalp scars and the more of the scalp that is covered , the more natural it looks
Solo hair transplants don't look natural if the hair is placed too far apart and the density is too sparse .