Squelch the Libido to Save the Hair?


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:eek: :D :eek:

http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/ ... 513t2.html

A significant portion of adult males in Japan express concern over hair loss. Now, perhaps even more so, as new revelations suggest linkage between hair loss and sexual activity.

"We received 1,400 responses to a survey of our members," says Keigo Yoshida, executive vice president at the Add Hair Zomo Center in Yoro-cho, Gifu Prefecture. "In addition to questions related to frequency of shampooing and dietary preferences, we also questioned them regarding their sexual activities. About 70 percent of the respondents said they ejaculated between 14 to 30 times per month."

Readers' indulgence is requested while Asahi Geino delves into a somewhat sticky subject: Can, the magazine asks, any correlation be established between seminal excretions and hair loss?

According to an unnamed journalist who covers dietary topics, although water composes 90 percent of such emissions, their basic ingredient is a protein.

"For a long time men have been advised to take a diet of meats, eggs and other foods high in proteins," he remarks. "Hair is also created from protein intake."

Ergo, a new theory holds that excessive ejaculation of seminal fluid may deplete proteins and would impede hair growth.

"Viewed objectively, it (i.e., excessive ejaculation) can result in premature aging, reduced metabolism and thinning hair in males from middle age and beyond," says Add Hair's Yoshida. "We've found that compared with the older generation, today's younger men tend to be more sexually active. Even though they boast a robust metabolism, they're burning up too many proteins. As lifestyles change, so do sexual lifestyles, and that's why you see more young guys showing signs of premature baldness."

An unnamed source in the hair restoration business tells Asahi Geino a guideline has actually been developed to discourage overactive libidos from ravaging one's hairline.

"Using this formula, the ideal frequency (of emissions) can be calculated by taking the person's age in years, dividing the number by 10, and squaring the result. Thus for a man age 30, the ideal frequency is once each 9 days, and for age 45, once every 20 days," he explains.

In other words, to assure a shaggier pate, men should bite the bullet, take cold showers and engage in restraint in all things carnal.

"It may be a bit stressful for males in their teens and 20s to stifle their sex urge to that degree," he acknowledges. "So there are advan- tages and disadvantages to these guidelines."

Some men try to have it both ways by supplementing their dietary intake with Zinc. Dr. Hideo Yamanaka, director of the Hibiya Clinic in Tokyo's Toranomon, advises Zinc be taken in daily doses of 15 to 20 mg.

Indeed, word from the street has it that male performers in adult videos regularly pop Zinc along with multivitamins, so as to aid their anatomy to "recover rapidly" from exertions in front of the cameras.

Acknowledging that quite a few of the adult-video industry's more illustrious performers have shiny pates, Dr. Yamanaka points out that genetically predisposed male pattern baldness, commencing from the front, may indicate the presence of higher levels of such hormones as testosterone, androsterone and androstane. Many such men, who also have heavy growth of facial hair, are known for their sexual prowess, but their occupation may be exacerbating their hair loss.

In that respect, truly, a vicious cycle has never been so much fun.



Established Member
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So many problems with this article, I don't even know where to start. Data from unnamed experts... correlation not equaling causation...


Senior Member
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somebody already posted this, like it was said above, it's worth nothing, sorry masturbation faerie guys


Established Member
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If ejaculating only once a week will save my hair, then I'd much rather go bald...


New Member
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how often do men masturbate each month??

Question...what is the normal or average number of masturbation each month...I myself go at least once a day for the past 10 yrs...


Re: how often do men masturbate each month??

vegeguy said:
Question...what is the normal or average number of masturbation each month...I myself go at least once a day for the past 10 yrs...

When I was a teenager I used to masturbate AT LEAST 100 times a month. Since I am on finasteride I have to force myself to masturbate once or twice a month......


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2 words.... Ron Jeremy


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Prolonged abstinence could be detrimental... for the hair.

http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/ ... ekey=47731

Abstinence Makes Weak Sperm Grow Stronger
Sperm Quality Best After 1 Day Without Sex in Men With Infertility Problems

By Jennifer Warner
WebMD Medical News

Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario, MD
on Thursday, June 23, 2005

June 23, 2005 -- A little abstinence may go a long way for men with infertility problems.

A new study shows that sperm from men with low sperm counts reached their peak condition after one day of abstinence and deteriorated after more than one day without sex.

They say the findings show that men with low sperm counts who are undergoing infertility treatments should collect sperm samples only after one day of abstinence.

But men with normal sperm who wish to become sperm donors or freeze their sperm for future use (cyropreservation) should collect their sperm samples after seven days of abstinence.

Abstinence Affects Sperm Quality

Researchers say the duration of sexual abstinence necessary to achieve maximum sperm quality is an issue commonly discussed between doctors and male patients of infertile couples.

Most fertility clinics follow World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines that call for two to seven days of abstinence before sperm sample collection, regardless of the initial quality of the sperm. Abstinence can affect sperm quality -- including concentration of sperm, percentage of normal sperm, and motility -- all of which help determine the success rates of infertility treatments.

In this study, which appears in the June issue of Fertility and Sterility, researchers looked at whether sperm quality is affected by the duration of sexual abstinence necessary to reach maximum sperm quality.

Researchers analyzed more than 9,000 sperm samples collected from more than 6,000 men and found the duration of abstinence affected sperm quality differently in men. The abstinence duration times necessary for peak sperm quality were quite different among men with healthy sperm versus men with low sperm counts or other sperm quality problems.

In particular, sperm motility (percent of sperm movement) peaked after one day of abstinence in men with infertility problems, but overall sperm quality began to decline after two days of abstinence.

Among men with normal sperm, overall sperm quality peaked after seven days of abstinence and declined after 10 days.