Start using 5% minoxidil b4 propecia/proscar


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General question.....i recently noticed my hair is thinning at the crown, and my hair line is becoming more evident at the crown. I have an appointment with the dermatologist later on next week in about 10 days for a propecia analysis on my hair. Also, i ordered 5% minoxidil and recieved it today via the mail.

My question...

Should i start the 5% minoxidil today and then use the propecia if it is recommended by the DR, or wait for the DR and wait for the possible RX for the propecia and start them together.

Thanx guys for ur help!


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I started 5% minoxidil before propecia but, either way it don't matter much. I suppose you may as well start getting into the habbit, unless you want to put the minoxidil on hold intill you have been on propecia a bit to see if you need that extra push to add regrowth.


Experienced Member
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Minoxidil and propecia do different things, so you can start them together or separately, doesn't matter. You might as well start whatever you've got in hand now though.


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Doctor said min first then finasteride...

u should really see what each of them can do seperately


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I'll offer an alternative viewpoint and say hold off on the minoxidil until you see what finasteride can do for you. (That's what I'm doing currently.) Most of those who recommend minoxidil have shackled themselves to it for life already, but you've still got some flexibility of treatments at this point.

I could go into greater detail about it, but you might check out the Rogaine statement at this website:, which captures my sentiment on the product. Merely because a doctor recommends minoxidil first is hardly a reason to get on it. Many of these doctors merely prescribe the same product over and over and don't give much thought to the inconvenience to you or long-term efficacy.

Whatever you decide, best of luck.


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minoxidil before finasteride

Well, I was on minoxidil nearly a year before finasteride. I started with generic minoxidil Sept 2003, and added finasteride this last July. While I did notice new hairs and some thickness on minoxidil, in fact a fair amount, it wasn't until I added finasteride that it really took off.

While a couple months might seem to early normally, for results to be seen on finasteride, I think because I had already been on minoxidil, my hair just really took off. In the last two months I have seen the kind of improvement some see in 6 months of use. My hair is thickening incredibly, I have new hair, and a darkening of my already blond hair, to a more natural blond (not colorless as it was becoming).

I also use Nizoral, M, W, and Friday.

So, I would suggest using finasteride FIRST as the last poster said. I am 33 and should have started earlier. But if you do use minoxidil first, you will see dramatic results WHENEVER you add finasteride.


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I have been on Finasteride for nearly a year and am very happy with the results, I have just started witn Minoxidil (last night) to see what (if anything) that can add.
