Started Regimen...need Help


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I have started propecia again and am going to stay on it for at least a year. my problem is that most of my thinning & receding is in the frontal region of my head. I am considering fluridil to use on the frontal region to fight DHT. Is this a good idea?

After reading all the positive feed back on CU pepides, I am also considering Crew Revitalize(?). Does this sound like a good Regimen:

*Currently Using*
-1mg Propecia daily
-Nizoral, T-gel Shampooing

-Cu product (folligen, Crew Revitalize)
-Fluridil (frontal Region. 1 AM or PM application)


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I dont want to go on minoxidil until i have to/ It will be the last thing i add to my regimen. I want to stop the loss and hopefully reverse the thinning.


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If you want to stop the hairloss and control the thinning you must use minoxidil. There's a reason why Propecia, Minoxidil, and Nizoral are called the Big 3.
I have diffuse thinning with receded temples and have been using the Big 3 for about 2 months give or take. I was out at a bar and glanced in the mirror last night - I couldn't believe how much hair I've regrown already. Use them, they will work.
Anyway, start with 2 or 5% minoxidil and after two years increase it to 7 or 10% and then later on increase it to 12 or 15%
This should give you more than a decade of positive Minoxidil effects. Don't sweat it, use it if you are serious.


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i dont think you guys understand what WS6 is trying to say.....hes saying that he doesnt want to use minoxidil cause he wants to start that further down th road then right now if he uses every known hairloss product at the same time in 10 years he'll have nothing to turn to when they all loss effectiviness.WS6 regimen looks good to me but try not to break your 1 year plan,most do when they get depressed with no results by then.


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I am definately planning on using minoxidil in the future. Maybe in 1 month maybe in 1 year, all depends on my loss. Any way my main question is: would using fluridil for frontal along with propecia be more effective tha propecia alone? I know that sometimes propecia will only work on the crown, and i need help up front.

Also what Cu product is best? (smell, ease of application, how it makes hair look) Folligen or American Crew Revitalize?


Anyway, start with 2 or 5% minoxidil and after two years increase it to 7 or 10% and then later on increase it to 12 or 15%

twmajors do these formulas exist? I know 2, 5 and 15 (xandrox) are around, but 7, 10 and 12? do you know something we don't?



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WS6-TA Writes:

Any opinions on the fluridil + fina combo? What about the cU?

Cant comment on fluridil as I never tried it. I will tell you to stay away from minoxidil. It is complete and total sh*t. Most men dont get significant regrowth on it and hair that is minoxidil grown usually amounts to nothing but unsightly peach fuzz. The hairs become minoxidil dependent and will fall out as soon as you stop using the stuff.

To cap it off minoxidil does NOTHING for male pattern baldness as it does NOT block DHT. All it does is offset male pattern baldness by buying you some more time as the DHT eats your hair away.

I think you are headed down the right path by incorporating an internal and external DHT blocker.

The addition of copper peptides is also a good idea as, like Nizoral shampoo, it is a great compound to help fight inflammation which is a key part in male pattern baldness along with DHT.