Started taking Dutas, I feel like crap.


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I started taking Dutas about 6 days ago, since then ive been taking 1 pill every 48 hours, my next one is due in a few hours.

The first day I felt kinda funny, the second day I was fine, but then after the second pill, all day long I felt more or less hung over and my body feels very heavy.

Today I felt better but I still feel horrible my whole body just feels unnerved, also I appear to be getting fat accumulating in my chest and It hurts when I pee and Im peeing very frequently, It used to only be once a day now its alot more.

Im also taking generic minoxidil twice a day.

anyway what should I do, should I stop with this? Slow down my dosage? I speant alot of money on these pills so im pretty disapointed.

should I still take the third pill in a few hours?


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I wouldn't take that shiit in a million years. Press on if you want, but don't be surprised if you still feel crap doing so.