Started testosterone, propecia, dutastride, nizoral, spironolactone, minoxidil, azelaic acid


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Hello everyone!
I was recently put on testosterone replacement therapy. A few weeks after starting I noticed an increase in shedding (not surprising). To combat shedding I started using:

Rogaine 5% - at least 1x a day at night, sometimes in the morning for a few hours before I go out.
Propecia 1mg, then 1.25mg, now 2.5mg/day
I just started dutastride, but it expired in 2007, so I am staying on the finasteride until my new batch comes in.
Topical spironolactone (S5). 1x a day at night, sometimes in the morning but I wash it out before I go anywhere.
I also use Nizoral 2% that I mix with spironolactone pills and Azelaic acid cream. I let it sit for 10-30 mins then wash it out and apply topical spironolactone/rogaine

I would like to stay on the testosterone, but I want to keep my hair. I was on testosterone once before at higher then therapeutic doses and did not notice too much shedding (I was using the nizoral/spironolactone/Azelaic acid shampoo), nothing too out of the ordinary.

So, is the increase in shedding a result of the testosterone, or all the treatments? I know a lot of the treatments for hair loss involve a period of initial shedding. I am a diffuse thinner, NW2, but the thing that bothers me the most is having a visible scalp as my hair is very thin. Also many of the hairs that are shedding are my "good" hairs, the ones in the middle of the action, not just the ones around the temples. All help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys!

(As a side note, I have also been thinking about adding pure Azelaic acid powder to my S5 cream. Any thoughts on this? Another side question, should I apply the rogaine or spironolactone first? When I do rogaine first it makes my hair so clumpy and hard that it's very difficult to get the spironolactone on my head. Remember, Im a diffuse thinner, so I don't just need the spironolactone on my temples.)


New Member
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hi Mike, may I ask you what is your age and why you were put on testosterone replacement therapy? what were your T levels before the therapy? thank you.


Experienced Member
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Wait, what? Did the doctor put you on TRT for some reason, and you decided on your own to mess with your hormones by taking finasteride/dutasteride? The post seem to lack a few impontant facts.


Established Member
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are you crazy man? you are on trt and you are now using finasteride and dutasteride lol


Established Member
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Ya bro that seems like a stupid program. I don't know much about TRT but it seems to be all the rave lately. I would have just got on finasteride as that is going to stop your hairloss and naturally increase your T due to preventing the conversion of T to DHT.