Starter's Kit?


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Hello, everyone,

I've only started looking into hair loss topics for 2 days, and I was pleasently surprised that there are actually possible ways to prevent/cure baldness. Accepting fate was the only option, I thought...Anyways, due to the crazy schedule I have, I probably won't have time to really get into studying this issue in depth for awhile, but I really want to do something asap. So, I would really appreciate some suggestions on some common "starter's kit"

Here is a little info:
male, 25
scalp started to itch about 4 months ago
started noticing hair thinning/loss about 1 year ago
drink coffee, smoke, abnormal sleeping schedule....

according to Norwood's scale, I am at 2, see photos below.



Any help would be great!



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Get on propiecia/proscar, this should stop any further loss. Yours only seems to be at the front so your pretty lucky. If you want regrowth you may want to try Regaine/Rogaine/minoxidil seems to be working pretty well on the front for me.


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Thanks for the reply. I've looked around, and I'm thinking about ordering the Rogaine 5% and Revivogen Shampoo&conditioner. About 3 months of supply for $100, sounds pretty decent to me. What do you say?

Also, should I look into pills as well right now, or test the results with the above first?




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I think it's generally accepted here that the best thing to do is to start out on Finasteride (Propecia) before you decide if you want to add Minoxidil. Propecia works to stop the underlying cause of hairloss-- Rogaine simply works to provide an offset of new hair growth.

If you want to do both, then that is also a perfectly good alternative, but I wouldn't advise starting on Rogaine without Propecia to back it up.

As far as Revivogen goes... some people here seem to have gotten results with it, but I think it is still a largely experimental treatment. I think most people here would agree that the pills are your best bet before you try anything else.

Also, Nizoral shampoo a few times a week does wonders to keep your scalp in top condition. Anyone here would also recommend it.


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Thanks for the info. Do I need to see a doctor before ordering Propecia, I mean, prescription required or?

I conclude I should order 3 months of Propecia, Rogain and Revivogen (whoooa, this is gonna cost me). Any recommended stores?

Last question, is there anything I should look out for besides medicine, stuff like avoid rain or things like that?




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minoxidil can be bought over the counter and online. You've not stated where you are in the world. But if your in the UK you can get cheap minoxidil from £45 for a 3 pack. Although whether you should go down the minoxidil route yet is up to you. If your the US I think you can pretty much get it from anywhere. finasteride though is a prescription drug, so its a bit harder to get hold of. You can go to the doctors and get a prescription for it and then purchase it from the pharmacy. If your in the UK/Europe you can buy it from not sure about from within the US think they have stricter laws about importing drugs.


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A1 said:
I conclude I should order 3 months of Propecia, Rogain and Revivogen (whoooa, this is gonna cost me).Al

Skip the Revivogen for now... try to keep things simple. Since you haven't really lost much visible ground, try just Propecia and nizoral shampoo (and a good conditioner) for the first 6 months.