Starting Finasteride (pics Inside)...


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Hey all! So I'm 21, and I've been experiencing hairloss since I was about 17. Long story short, I've been using minoxidil for ~2years now. I apply the 2% one, every day, once a day just on the hairline. I can't buy the 5% one here where I live, so I just have to take the 2%. As of today, I started with finasteride. To be precise, I started taking proscar that I cut, I take 0.5mg EOD just to see how it goes side effect vise. If everything is okay, ill move to daily doses. Anyways, my current hair is I guess okay, the only problem that I gave is with my temples. I have a lot of.small hairs that I sign to minoxidil so I hope the finasteride will make them longer. The photos are taken under very strong light in the bathroom.


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So 3 days into finasteride and I can report that I have watery semen, and erection problems. I masturbated today and my dick went soft after some time I didn't even c*m. That never happend to me in my life so I am positive that it's finasteride's fault. I'll stick to it for ~ 2 weeks to see how it goes, but I told myself that even if I notice the slightest sides, I'm quitting. Anyways, that's the short update.


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still problems with watery semen and soft dick. It often goes soft in mid masturbation, and that has never happend before. no other sides tho. What should I do, shoud I stop using the drug. Its annoying to see that I get this sides on even 0.5 mg EOD. Makes me wonder what would happend if I took 1mg every day.


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It's the long run that you have to keep an eye on. I'd suggest you keep using the 0.5 mg, but try every other day. Add other things like Biotin, Saw Paw and other things people on here have suggested. Things might scale out over time and you see the sides go down, but add some benefit.
You need to try regimes for at least 4 months to really get an idea if they work (well maybe 2 months)


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Been of finasteride for about 3-4 days and thinga went back to normal. Libido is great again and semen is normal looking. I probably won't continue using it. Just the fact that after a week of usage it fucked up my hormones and made all those small sides, makes my wondering what would it do if I used 1mg every day. I'll stick to minoxidil tho. Next week, I will buy the 5% one and I hope it will be more effective than the 2%.