Starting My Journey With Finasteride


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Hey guys, hope you are all doing fine.

I won't waste to much time on this. I'm 24 years old (almost 25), and started losing my hair roughly since I was 18. At 19 I already had visible hair loss in my temples, and at 21/22 I started thinning slowly in the crown. I have been on Minoxidil 2 times a day since January 2018, applying it on my temples and crown. I did notice some regrowth on my temples and decreased hair loss rate on my crown, although it obviously kept progressing as my doctor said it would (Minoxidil is no miracle drug). Doing some math, I have being on Minoxidil for ~1.5 years.

Current Situation
As my MPHL kept progressing slowly, I started noticing that I was reaching the point of no return. My hairline is far gone (although I can still kinda barely cover it with long hair) and my crown is getting harder to cover by the day. I understood that if I was going to take any further actions, I must be now, otherwise it would be too late. For this reason, I decided to book a dermatologist appointment, made some blood exams, and hopped on finasteride almost 3 weeks ago. I decided not to give too much importance to all the dark stories out there, focusing on the good ones. If this doesn't work, I'm not willing to do anything else about this.

So to sum up: Finasteride (1 mg a day) + Minoxidil (1-2ml a day) + Ioox caffeine shampoo

Feedback So Far
I obviously haven't noticed any major improvements so far. I am shedding a bit for a week now, but I will take that as a good sign for now. I do notice that some small hairs regrown from minoxidil are now a bit thicker, and that overall my hair feels healthier, but I'm still not sure if this is actually true.

Side Effects
No deal-breaking side effects from finasteride so far. I did notice that my sperm was a bit more liquid for a few days but now that seems to be gone. I also think I have less sensibility down there, but again, nothing too substantial. I definitely feel a bit different, but for now there is nothing bothering me. I also try to keep a positive mindset and not to link everything I feel to finasteride.

I will leave some first-day photos, with the "worst" possible lighting. I should update the pictures when I get to 1 month of treatment (in a week or so).

What do you guys think, can I expect to at least close my crown area?


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Hey guys, hope you are all doing fine.

I won't waste to much time on this. I'm 24 years old (almost 25), and started losing my hair roughly since I was 18. At 19 I already had visible hair loss in my temples, and at 21/22 I started thinning slowly in the crown. I have been on Minoxidil 2 times a day since January 2018, applying it on my temples and crown. I did notice some regrowth on my temples and decreased hair loss rate on my crown, although it obviously kept progressing as my doctor said it would (Minoxidil is no miracle drug). Doing some math, I have being on Minoxidil for ~1.5 years.

Current Situation
As my MPHL kept progressing slowly, I started noticing that I was reaching the point of no return. My hairline is far gone (although I can still kinda barely cover it with long hair) and my crown is getting harder to cover by the day. I understood that if I was going to take any further actions, I must be now, otherwise it would be too late. For this reason, I decided to book a dermatologist appointment, made some blood exams, and hopped on finasteride almost 3 weeks ago. I decided not to give too much importance to all the dark stories out there, focusing on the good ones. If this doesn't work, I'm not willing to do anything else about this.

So to sum up: Finasteride (1 mg a day) + Minoxidil (1-2ml a day) + Ioox caffeine shampoo

Feedback So Far
I obviously haven't noticed any major improvements so far. I am shedding a bit for a week now, but I will take that as a good sign for now. I do notice some that some small hairs regrown from minoxidil are now a bit thicker, and that overall my hair feels healthier, but I'm still not sure if this is actually true.

Side Effects
No deal-breaking side effects from finasteride so far. I did notice that my sperm was a bit more liquid for a few days but now that seems to be gone. I also think I have less sensibility down there, but again, nothing too substantial. I definitely feel a bit different, but for now there is nothing bothering me. I also try to keep a positive mindset and not to link everything I feel to finasteride.

I will leave some first-day photos, with the "worst" possible lighting. I should update the pictures when I get to 1 month of treatment (in a week or so).

What do your guys thing, can expect to at least close my crown area?
If you are a responder and don't have heavy sides, most likely you'll have good maintenance and even regrowth


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same story as urs, but 1 year older, i started with finasteride and it gave me too many harsh sides, so considerin last option of minoxidil now

can you advise what brand you used of minoxidil and how do u apply minoxidil onto scalp through middle length hair? we have similar hair styles and whenever i tried to apply products to scalp previously it would get stuck in my hair and very little of it would get to the target
also hows ur minoxidil journey has been? harsh initial shed? any sides? when did u see regrowth?


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same story as urs, but 1 year older, i started with finasteride and it gave me too many harsh sides, so considerin last option of minoxidil now

can you advise what brand you used of minoxidil and how do u apply minoxidil onto scalp through middle length hair? we have similar hair styles and whenever i tried to apply products to scalp previously it would get stuck in my hair and very little of it would get to the target
also hows ur minoxidil journey has been? harsh initial shed? any sides? when did u see regrowth?
I use liquid Biorga brand, but I definitly think they're all the same. I just lift my hair with one hand, apply the minoxidil, and then rub it a little with one finger. I wait like 30 minutes before I style my hair, otherwise the minoxidil will just get glued to your hair.

I've had a good journey with minoxidil so far. I saw some shedding at the beginning and again from times to times, but it is never something noticeable to other people, plus it is also a good sign to shed as long as it isn't at an exaggerated rate and for many consecutive months. No other side effects. I saw more maintenance than regrowth, although I had some new hairs coming in the temples.


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I'm still shedding from finasteride, it is not yet very noticeable to other people but I do see hair falling after the bath or when I style it. I think is slowing down though, but I'm not too worried because I know it is part of the process. I have to be patient. Will upload new pictures when my hair is longer again (as in the previous photos).


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As hair follicles go through the growth process and enter into the anagen phase, old hairs can fall out in large numbers, making it seem as if you’re losing more hair than normal.


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Quick update:
I have now reached one month of taking finasteride. I still notice shedding after I shower, I believe that I may be losing around 150-200 hairs per day. This does not bother me too much since 80% of the hairs I see are really thin and I'm hoping to be able to regrow them as a natural part of the process. I took some pictures yesterday but I won't be posting them since I realized that I still have no visible improvement (it may even be a bit worse than before).

I still have no major side effects. I do have less sensibility down there, but nothing to worry about for now.

I'm currently using a pharmacy caffeine and penthanol based shampoo that my doctor prescribed me, is this a good option? Is Nizoral better?


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yeah, also had that rubber dick feel after one month
imo shampoo doesnt matter much, research showed insignificant impact of ketokonazol on scalp dht