Starting my regimen today


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Hello all, I have been reading this forum now for a few weeks and decided Id join in and put in my two pennies - ive read alot of good and bad stuff about lots of treatments and have read the reviews careful too. Like alot of guys on here I am just starting out "properly" in trying to tackle this problem. Im a fairly earlyish stage hairloss in that i have been in denial for a few years (both my mother and fathers side of the family have got all their hair apart from one unfortunate uncle) so it was not something I expected to happen - anyhow to cut the story short myself and my brother who is 1 year older then me are losing and I can see what I might look like a year from now by seeing my bro and its not a good sight - whereas he has pretty much come to terms with it I have decide to give some treatments a go to hold on to what I have - Im probrably a Norwood 2 whereas my bro is more inbetween a 2 and a 3 so as I said my objective is maintainence and perhaps (with any luck) some growth. I am a cynical chap so I tend to think some people on here who are really passionate about products are merely company reps peddling their goods - hopefully Im wrong. Anyhow Im trying to go the "all natural" route and see what happens - for the past few months I have upped my saw palmetto intake and vitamins in a vain attempt do address the issue - I have also in the past used nioxin products for 6 months or so and found little if any progress - I swear there was some fuzzy hair around my hairline but that was about it.

Any how after much debating over whether or not to do the big 3 or not I have decided to give some of the other products a try for at least 6 months and chart my progress to see if these stop the loss or encourage growth. So this is pretty much the start of my journey. Depending on the sorts of feedback I get from this I will try and update as much as possible on any changes or progress I make. so here is what I am doing

Revivogen (applied once before bed)
American crew revitalizer spray (applied once in the morning)
Green Tea supplements (I know its a long shot but I hear its good for colon cancer too which is heridtary in my family so it cant hurt)
L-Lysine (I heard of this on thebaldtruth and as I work out I hear it can be good for lean muscle so I thought no harm done again)
Nizoral 2% once every 3 days

So thats my lot - I have already used the Crew and Revivogen products today here is my intial thoughts

American Crew- seems alot more friendly then other products i.e its not so obviously hairloss treatment - smell is not as overpowering as some has said - and it made styling my hair a little easier - felt a little tingly but hardly knew it was there

Revivogen - not the best smell in the world - reminds me of paint or turps but again once it was in my head I didnt really notice it - I found the dropper easy to use as overall I think my compliance to the regimen will be high as it seems pretty simple to stick to.

So thats it for now - I am taking pictures of the top of my scalp and hairline to chart progress.

Wish me luck!


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well ive decided I didnt want to run the risk of the sorts of side effects people had been discussing on this and other forums if i could avoid it -both with minoxidil and finasteride it seems they have their drawbacks - so I figured Id try these less drastic measures and see what sorts of results I get off them - then if I dont get anything after 6 months I will consider the hard stuff