starting propecia after gyno surgery!!!!?? help please!


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so ive had gyno surgery (pre existing condition) im on rogaine and ive gained and maintained in my frontal region, but id like to start propecia to hopefully get more growth and hopefully some growth in the temple region/hairline!!!
i was on propecia before my gyno surgery for about 3 months and it didnt increase the condition but stopped so it wouldnt effect my surgery

do you guys think it would be ok to go back on it, maybe start at .5mg and take it from there, my main concern is that due to the soreness from the surgery which will last a couple of months i wont be able to recognise the initial symptoms (ie. sore nips)

does anybody have any experience with this?? maybe evn starting on .25 for a few motnhs unitl im fully healed, as this will still help reduce dht while keeping sides at bay until i can detect them myself!?? sorry for the rant! im just really torn at the min!


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eire_245 said:
so ive had gyno surgery (pre existing condition) im on rogaine and ive gained and maintained in my frontal region, but id like to start propecia to hopefully get more growth and hopefully some growth in the temple region/hairline!!!
i was on propecia before my gyno surgery for about 3 months and it didnt increase the condition but stopped so it wouldnt effect my surgery

do you guys think it would be ok to go back on it, maybe start at .5mg and take it from there, my main concern is that due to the soreness from the surgery which will last a couple of months i wont be able to recognise the initial symptoms (ie. sore nips)

does anybody have any experience with this?? maybe evn starting on .25 for a few motnhs unitl im fully healed, as this will still help reduce dht while keeping sides at bay until i can detect them myself!?? sorry for the rant! im just really torn at the min!

Do you just use rogaine on its own? And have you got photos. I'm thinking of using minnox on my frontal region, but I have read too many horror stories of hairlines looking worse after it.


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finfighter said:
You probably have high estrogen levels, that would explain the gyno, so taking finasteride could raise those levels, because the increased free ranging Tesosterone from finasteride can be converted into Estrogen, this could be a problem for you, but you won't know until you try, you might want to consider an Estrogen blocker, but you would have to take that alongside finasteride.

If he has high estrogen levels does that mean he has low DHT levels?
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eire_245 said:
so ive had gyno surgery (pre existing condition) im on rogaine and ive gained and maintained in my frontal region, but id like to start propecia to hopefully get more growth and hopefully some growth in the temple region/hairline!!!
i was on propecia before my gyno surgery for about 3 months and it didnt increase the condition but stopped so it wouldnt effect my surgery

do you guys think it would be ok to go back on it, maybe start at .5mg and take it from there, my main concern is that due to the soreness from the surgery which will last a couple of months i wont be able to recognise the initial symptoms (ie. sore nips)

does anybody have any experience with this?? maybe evn starting on .25 for a few motnhs unitl im fully healed, as this will still help reduce dht while keeping sides at bay until i can detect them myself!?? sorry for the rant! im just really torn at the min!

Eire, your situation mirrors my own.

I had Gynos surgery just 2 weeks ago, still have swelling and pain coming from the nips, so there is always that worry that the surgeon didn't remove all the gyno.

However, I didn't get Gyno from finasteride, I figure I must have got it from a brief spell of roids I did 5 years ago. I refrained from going on finasteride for that reason mainly.
I've been on finasteride for the last 2 days and this is day 3, but yes I can totally understand as it would by nigh on impossible to tell if finasteride was making gyno come back or whether it was just pain. Technically, we should be at zero-level when it comes to getting Gyno, assuming you had all of your gyno removed (I live in hope). Symptons wouldn't be so quick for Gyno I believe, I reckon it'd take months, if it creates gyno in the same way as roids do.

It could be an idea to wait until you've healed, I was planning to do that, but looking at my hair detereorate and not knowing how aggressive it will be made my jump on it. I should mention that I am just on 0.6mg per day. I split a 5mg pill into eighths.


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Don't forget the option of jumping on an aromatase inhibitor or a SERM. Some people don't like to get on lots of supplements, but for some it's not a big deal.
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3 days in on finasteride and my nipples have become sensitive as they were before Gyno surgery, like that sharp itchy pain that just lingers. I am over 2 weeks post-surgery now and it has only just occurred. It's giving me cause for concern so I guess I will at least stop finasteride for a bit and see if it subsides. Either way, your point about not knowing if its side effects or recovery from surgery is a pertinent point. I'd rather not risk the trauma of gyno again.


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yeah hairway, i think im going to give it a miss until im fully healed! this is actually a revision and all the gyno is gone but on my previous surgery i had sore nips up to 3 months after which i defo could have mistaken for finasteride sides!
i was maybe thining about going on .25mg , i had a hormone level test and everything was normal so my Doctor reckons it was just a hormone spike coming out of puberty that cause the gyno! but i may just give it a few months then start! the rogaine is holding onto my hair perfectly i can even see some new growth along the hairline! but i just wanted finasteride to help this and maybe get back my hairline! i was on finasteride for 2-3 months when i had my gyno and it made no difference to it, but this was prob too soon to get sides???
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It really is a rock and a hard place.. It's been about 3 days since stopping finasteride, and my nipples aren't sore like before. I can only deduce that it was the finasteride and not the surgery that causes the sudden pain and sensations. The montgomery glands hurt too when gyno is active and I could see they became more prominent on my areola. I really want to do finasteride though. Like you, I am considering going on it after I've fully healed. finasteride actually makes me hornier (at least for the short time that I used it), this is a plus point as I couldn't use it if it decreased my libido. So, what do you reckon, you didn't get any nipple pain prior to surgery? If so, you should be alright. But help me out here, if I genuinely did get nipple pain from just 3 days of finasteride; can it really give such a side effect so quickly? I didn't get nipple pain from roids until years after I discontinued them. I was using 0.6mg by the way.