Starting Propecia Regimine (HELP!)


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I'm turning 21 shortly and I decided that as a bday gift to myself I am gonig to go on Propecia. I've done research and decided I'm going to get Propecia rather than Proscar. I'm also going to use nizoral 2 times a week.

First Question: I want to purchase Propecia Online. What is the a very well known site that will sell me REAL Propecia at a decent price?

Second Question: I currently take a Centrum Multi-Vitamin once a day. Should I take a different vitamin once I start my regimine? Note: I will not take crazy doses of exotic vitamins.

As soon as you guys help me out, I'm going to start my regimine.
Thanks A TON!


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Determined said:
I'm turning 21 shortly and I decided that as a bday gift to myself I am gonig to go on Propecia. I've done research and decided I'm going to get Propecia rather than Proscar. I'm also going to use nizoral 2 times a week.

First Question: I want to purchase Propecia Online. What is the a very well known site that will sell me REAL Propecia at a decent price?

Second Question: I currently take a Centrum Multi-Vitamin once a day. Should I take a different vitamin once I start my regimine? Note: I will not take crazy doses of exotic vitamins.

As soon as you guys help me out, I'm going to start my regimine.
Thanks A TON!

I guess you got the loot since you're springing for real Propecia. If you're looking for a place that doesn't need prescriptions and gives you the real stuff:

If you wise up and decide to use Proscar:



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Taking a multivitamin will do nothing to help combat hair loss. It doesn't matter which one you take as far as your hair is concerned. I'm not saying don't take vitamins -- I take them too -- but they won't help you grow hair.