Starting RU and worried about shedding again


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I've been on minoxidil and finasteride for about 1yr 1mo with moderate success on the crown, but the hairline continues to thin out. My RU and neogenic should arrive in about 1 week. Since i've gone through shedding with minoxidil/finasteride, will i still shed when starting RU?

Any help or advice is much appreciated.


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Hey bud. Let me share my insight.

I have been on finasteride and min for years and was never able to stabilize my hair. Every few months my hairloss would accelerate and then slow down. I gave those treatments plenty of time to work and they just didn't to it for me. I am not about a month into RU mixed in Neogenics and am really pleased with the results. The first week or two i had a small shed but now my hair is thickening like crazy. In all, I have been on RU for about 2.5 months (initiialy with KB). Hope this helps best of luck.


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Thanks for sharing your experience, ohmanohno! It is very encouraging. Can you tell me what your RU/Neogenic mix ratio is, and how much do you apply each day? I'm seeing a lot of variations on the forums.


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Sure. I make a 5% solution and apply 1.5-2ml daily. Each Neo capsule is 6ml, so I usually make a 12ml or 32ml solution. for 12ml, mix in .5grams of RU. for 32 mix in 1.5grams of RU. This will give you roughly a 5% solution.


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Thanks! I will start with 5%...can't wait. Would you happen to have any before/after pics that you wouldn't mind posting?


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Sure. My before pics are around here somewhere, i think in the growth stim section under lipogaine. I will post pics in a month or so after I get to the 3 month mark on RU. I'm about to start Promox on my hairline too. Best of Luck.


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Sure. My before pics are around here somewhere, i think in the growth stim section under lipogaine. I will post pics in a month or so after I get to the 3 month mark on RU. I'm about to start Promox on my hairline too. Best of Luck.

I received the RU and neogenic about 2 weeks ago but have not applied. I'm currently on finasteride and minoxidil (13 months), so my question is if i start RU/Neogenic and don't see any improvement...would stopping RU/Neo put me back to my finasteride/minoxidil state, or would it make my hair loss worse? I'm hesitant because I don't want to risk making things worse than they are.

Also, I've read some posts that RU loses it's effectiveness after 1.5 years or so. What is your opinion on that?



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ohmanohno, how is Neogenic working for you as the vehicle for RU? Is it really better than minoxidil as I've read from some "accomplished" posters?


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I received the RU and neogenic about 2 weeks ago but have not applied. I'm currently on finasteride and minoxidil (13 months), so my question is if i start RU/Neogenic and don't see any improvement...would stopping RU/Neo put me back to my finasteride/minoxidil state, or would it make my hair loss worse? I'm hesitant because I don't want to risk making things worse than they are.

Also, I've read some posts that RU loses it's effectiveness after 1.5 years or so. What is your opinion on that?


There are users who have been using RU for 3+ years and have been maintaining with no hair loss. Even on 30mg. Don't worry about that.

My plan is use RU untill CB comes out and then use that.


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Relaunching my question as I can't find the answer.

Is a 3 day batch (6ml) OK ? Or might the RU go unstable in 3 days ?
As El_Dut does every day batch but it is a bit annoying.....


Experienced Member
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Hey bud. Let me share my insight.

I have been on finasteride and min for years and was never able to stabilize my hair. Every few months my hairloss would accelerate and then slow down. I gave those treatments plenty of time to work and they just didn't to it for me. I am not about a month into RU mixed in Neogenics and am really pleased with the results. The first week or two i had a small shed but now my hair is thickening like crazy. In all, I have been on RU for about 2.5 months (initiialy with KB). Hope this helps best of luck.
When did you notice that RU worked? Immediately?


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In the past I got some regrowth in my temples but at the end I think it couldn't stop my loss but it slowed it down I think.


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My Regimen
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been using RU in my hairline and temples for 3 months no shed no results....


Established Member
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Hey guys I'm on my phone so not sure how to do private messages. Biggest thing to help me was ru dissolved in Adenogen. Check it out.